Gerry Almond (12 Feb 2023)

February 10, 2023


We may be in for the biggest surprise of our lives this Valentine's Day. This may be the time of our rapture. This special day is a day for the expression of love from one's heart to another. It is traditionally celebrated by lovers, those engaged to marry and those already married. It is a fun day filled of remembrance, celebrated with flowers, gifts and cards.

The greatest lover of all time and eternity is God in three Persons. The lover of our souls is found in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for us on Passover long, long ago. He has watched and directed His Church, that is His Bride since He returned to heaven after His resurrection. His love is fully expressed in the beautiful stage play called the Song of Solomon or better, the Song of Songs. In that play is seen the Shepherd, absent from His love, dwelling in a perfect place, anxious to receive His Bride to be with Him there. She is also waiting, sometimes fervently and sometimes sleepily, but nevertheless, she waits. Although He is absent from her, she

can communicate with Him spiritually, by faith in the vehicle of prayer.

His absence until He comes for her is called the Age of Grace. This age has neared the two thousand year mark as this is written. As foretold in His Word, conditions of our world today strongly if not exactly, resemble those that He said would be at the time of His return for His Bride.

There are multiple voices that have been saying that the time is very near today. These have delivered messages since at least 1994 in bulk. I have intensely watched since 1988. These messages have fulfilled the prophecy of Acts 2 when the Apostle Peter declared that the young men and women, the old and even the very young would have dreams and visions and great things would show the nearness of His return for His precious Valentine.

Mandi Ralph, a devout Christian has published twice as of now, that in dreams, He Jesus, has pointed to February 15, 2023 as the time of His return. Of course no one can absolutely pinpoint the time because of two days on earth at all times and twenty four time zones to boot. But in America, February 15, 2023 is a Wednesday but in Australia, for example, it is Thursday, and brother Charles long ago said He would come in rapture on a Thursday. The other side of the western world is a day ahead of our own. Thus, I expect this prediction, if it happens, to come on our Wednesday as it goes to Thursday.

So, for me, in America, this would be Wednesday/Thursday, February 15/16. This would also mean that the seven days alert probably started with the back to back massive 7.8 and 7.6 earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

I hope for all of us that this may be true.


Gerry Almond