Garry B (12 Feb 2023)


Here are OUR WARNING SIGNS that God has PROMISED to show us so THEN WE WILL KNOW  that our rapture will happen within A FEW DAYS :

Acts 2:19-20  ( God's promise to us ) 

"I WILL SHOW WONDERS in heaven above ( in the sky ) , and SIGNS IN THE EARTH BENEATH : BLOOD, and FIRE, and vapor of SMOKE.......BEFORE the Day of the Lord COMES."

The "Day of the Lord" is the Lord's judgment of GREAT TRIBULATION upon the WHOLE WORLD . It BEGINS AFTER the "Day of Christ" which is the day that Jesus Christ resurrects & raptures His Elect Body of Christ Church to heaven.  A FEW DAYS BEFORE the resurrection & rapture happens the Gog-Magog War will commence against Israel which will cause OUR PROMISED  SIGNS  of BLOOD, and  FIRE, and SMOKE to occur in Israel TO ALERT US to the fact that OUR RAPTURE IS COMING SOON.  

Luke 21:20  ( Jesus speaking )

"WHEN YOU SHALL SEE Jerusalem surrounded WITH ARMIES ( Gog-Magog Armies ),  THEN KNOW that the DESOLATION THEREOF IS NEAR." 

 The DESOLATION of Jerusalem by the Gog-Magog Armies will cause GOD'S PROMISED SIGNS of BLOOD, and FIRE, and vapor of SMOKE to ALERT US  that OUR RAPTURE IS NEAR.

Luke 21:28 & 31  ( Jesus speaking )

"WHEN these things ( our signs of blood, fire, and smoke ) BEGIN to come to pass, THEN LOOK UP and lift up your heads , for YOUR REDEMPTION ( resurrection & rapture ) DRAWS NEAR........So likewise you, WHEN YOU SEE THESE THINGS  ( our signs of blood, fire, and smoke ) come to pass , KNOW THAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND."

The following Scripture tells us that the Gog-Magog War will BEGIN AGAINST ISRAEL on the day of A NEW MOON according to :

Hosea 5:7-10

"They have dealt treacherously against the Lord shall  A NEW MOON ( the first day of a Hebrew month ) DEVOUR THEM with their portions....Among the tribes of Israel I have made known that which shall surely be......I will pour out MY WRATH UPON THEM like water." 


The FIRST MONTH of God's Holy Sacred Lunar Year BEGINS on the NEW MOON of NISAN 1, 2023 which is ALSO the day of Thursday March 23, 2023.  If God has scheduled our resurrection & rapture to happen in THE YEAR 2023  the day of Thursday March 23, 2023  IS A VERY HIGH WATCH DAY  for the Gog-Magog War to BEGIN against Israel which is OUR PROMISED SIGN from God that OUR RAPTURE IS PENDING NEAR .

According to Your Holy Word, come Lord Jesus !