Fay (26 Feb 2023)
"While they are saying Peace and Safety"


Hi John and Doves,

This article goes to prove just who the real warmongers are. Bizarrely enough, it's China who is trying to broker a peace deal whilst Blinken, from the USA administration and ex UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who are desperate to keep the war going. Not only to keep it going, but it's clear they want to escalate it. Unsaturated evil from the so-called 'democracy advocates'. Is this all really about money? Is it possible that these western leaders are taking direct orders from the pit of hell? It has become clear that they are not right in the head. They have gone stark raving mad. Just take a moment to think about the transgenderism agenda, the after- school satan clubs, the blatant attacks against Christianity etc. Almighty God has clearly sent them insane. All reason has gone out the window.

The sheer cruelty, savagery, and unmitigated attacks against all that is good should tell us where we stand in history. This is not a game. This is not a benign little request for us to make the right, vital choices. The death and destruction of all humanity is on the threshold. It's VITAL that we all make THE choice. Because soon it will be too late and people will be forced to endure the great tribulation.

We need to keep an eye on this peace talk emanating from China. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 warns us that it is while they are talking about peace and safety, that instant destruction comes upon them - and they shall not escape. Think about it.....the USA keeps China at the forefront of the 'enemies' list. If China manage to get Russia and Ukraine to the peace talks table - the USA, NATO, UK will go ballistic. Because it's now clear that they do not want this.

PLEASE come, LORD Jesus.

U.S. warns U.N. not to be fooled by calls for unconditional truce in Ukraine (msn.com)

1 Thessalonians 5 NIV - The Day of the Lord - Now, brothers and - Bible Gateway