Fay (26 Feb 2023)
"Reason for the Madness?"


Hi John and Doves,

Israel is the key! The harder the nations push for the dividing of Israel, the more divided our own nations become. The anxiety inflicted on the Jewish people by the rest of the world's evil politicians, is being visited upon ourselves now. Israel is coming up for her 75th birthday and time is running out. REPENT is the word du jour in Israel, and all around the world now. Conditions are now that we are ALL being forced to choose sides. This is not just Israel's problem anymore. We are all being forced out of our comfort zones. And although it looks like evil is winning - it really, really isn't. Only the rotten media would have us believe this.

We must be very close to the end. Please, please come, LORD Jesus.

Deconstruction: Why Leftist Movements Cannot Coexist With People That Value Freedom | ZeroHedge