Fay (12 Feb 2023)
"How Deep the Deceptions?"


Hi John and Doves,

Reading this short article from JNS, confirmed my suspicions that there is far more to the Ukraine war and the push to get the JCPOA re-signed. The article states that Biden has announced partial waver of sanctions on Iran .... in order to accommodate Russia's state energy company to profit in Iran without facing sanctions. WHAT? We are all led to believe that Russia is THE enemy. We are all led to believe that Iran is under punitive sanctions. Hmmm! Is this Ukraine war a massive deception being conducted by both the Biden and Putin administrations? Is this part of the 'evil men waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived'?

Russia is often castigating Israel for defending herself against the so-called Palestinians. Or for carrying out raids in Syria etc. Much like the USA administration, Russia has proven to be no friend of Israel either. The Bible tells us that ALL the nations will attack Israel in the end of days. Ezekiel 38. We can take it to the bank that all these wars are actually about capturing Jerusalem. THAT is their desire. To do the will of satan. NOT far-fetched at all.

Please come, LORD Jesus.

Biden announces partial waiver of sanctions on Iran - JNS.org