Fay (12 Feb 2023)
"Want your Blood to Boil? Read This!"


Hi John and Doves,

There are no words! Bill Gates at his hypocritical best. He claims he simply HAS to fly around in private jets BECAUSE he is the solution to climate change. I kid you not! Watch the short clip in the link. I think it was a Doves contributor who noted that no tanks, jets or submarines are run on 'green energy'. Yet 'they' feel perfectly fine with lecturing the rest of us about our carbon footprint whilst promulgating a major, major 3rd world war - a gas-guzzling, pollution-on-steroids war. And, a people-killing war! Funny how they want to kill babies in the womb and kill people with war - but also want to "save" people with vaccinations and lockdowns? Also - don't you find it odd that Bill Gates has been involved with vaccinating 3rd world countries for years now? Yet, not a lot has changed. He has even been banned from vaccinating in certain countries in Africa - and India couldn't wait to get rid of him. Hmmm. It must have been extremely lucrative for him, while it lasted. While that little source of immense revenue has now dried up, his next step was Event 201 - where he predicted a dangerous future, world-wide virus. A virus that would need mass, world-wide vaccination. And, BINGO - it happened! What a clairvoyant he is. This is monstrous behaviour. The behaviour of a person with no soul.

There's also a whack-load of money to be made out of the climate change extravaganza being foisted upon the world. Enter Monsieur Bill Gates. Wallowing in the luxury of his private jets ( x 4).

Don't you find it strange that the most stupid, evil people are able to make shed-loads of money out of an unsuspecting world? Because - based on this short interview alone - Bill Gates is not the smartest tool in the box. There are many other interviews that confirm this fact. Like Biden, Boris Johnson, Macron and Trudeau (to name but a few) they all appear ludicrously stupid. Clumsy, awkward and destructive. Anti-human nightmares.

At what point does the secular world truly wake-up and smell the looming sulphur? At what point does the world wake-up to the humanity-destroying gender nonsense that is constantly making headlines? Because humanity is under full attack now. Look at all the evidence and doubt it not.

PLEASE, PLEASE come soon, LORD Jesus.

Video: Bill Gates Says It’s OK For Him To Use Private Jets Because He’s “The Solution” To Climate Change – Summit News