Chance (26 Feb 2023)
"The Immovable Oject is Meeting the Unstappable Force - A 60 To 90 Day Window to Avoid Nuclear War"

Hello John and Doves,
Just a few notes and news articles on the Ukraine-Russia war:
The NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said, "The other thing I will say, is the war didn't start in February..the war started in 2014.  And since 2014, NATO allies have provided support to Ukraine, with training, with equipment, so Ukrainian armed forces were much stronger in 2022 than they were in 2014.  And that made a huge difference when President Putin decided to attack Ukraine."
He Did It Again - General Secretary Admits NATO Has Been at War Against Russia in Ukraine Since 2014 - The Last Refuge
So what happened in 2014 in Ukraine?  That's when the U.S. overthrew the Ukrainian government - a colour revolution - and set the country up as "the center for strategic military operations against Russia."
He Did It Again - General Secretary Admits NATO Has Been at War Against Russia in Ukraine Since 2014 - The Last Refuge
The year 2014 really showed the big tug of war between the US and Russia over Ukraine. One very prominent person in this struggle was Victoria Nuland.  She is considered the "mastermind" behind the Feb 22, 2014 "regime change" in Ukraine, plotting the overthrow of the democratically elected pro-Russia President Victor Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible US mainstream media that the coup wasn't really a coup but a victory for "democracy".  Nuland pushed for the coup and "helped pick the post-coup leaders".
"To sell this "regime change" to the American people, the new government was touted as a 'democracy' - very similar to the U.S. (That excuse to support the government of Kiev is still used today.)
 "Nuland's new regime was her chance to "poke Putin in the eye by encouraging violent protests to overthrow Russia-friendly President Yanukovych and put in place a new regime hostile to Moscow."
Ukraine became the stepping stone toward toppling Putin.  Putin saw the "regime change" as a "strategic threat that this hostile new regime posed to the historic Russian naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea."  The coup brought about two opposing groups, those ethnic Ukrainians who still had strong feelings for Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union and the ethnic Russians who feared the "new regime".   The new regime sent neo-Nazis after the ethnic Russians in Ukraine.  Moscow started backing the ethnic Russians while Nuland and Obama passed Putin off as the aggressor.  This new regime ended up bankrupt with unrest between the two opposing groups.  And Nuland was blamed.
The Ukraine Mess That Nuland Made - Truthout
So where is Victoria Nuland now?  Why she's Biden's US Under Secretary of State of Political Affairs.  Still warmongering against Putin and Russia!!  Speaking against every possibility for peace.
The Minsk agreements was suppose to stop the fighting of the neo-Nazis and ethnic Russians.  But, according to Angela Merkel, it was "an attempt to give Ukraine become stronger."  December, 2022
Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up - World Socialist Web Site
"Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has been disappointed by the statement of German ex-chancellor Angela Merkel, where she claimed that the Minsk agreements of 2014 enabled Ukraine to prepare for the war with Russia."
Putin disappointed by Merkel's words about Minsk agreements
Thus Stoltenberg's comment, "..the war started in 2014".
On February 23, 2023, we learned of a 10-point "peace formula" proposed by Zelensky.  (That means the US and Nuland came up with the 10 points.)  Nuland said that "The United States would be ready to negotiate with Russia only on the basis of the 10-point "peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky."
Nuland tells Russian media condition for negotiations between US and Russia

Well, so FINALLY, the truth comes out - this war is between the U.S. and Russia - as Nuland said, THE UNITED STATES WOULD BE READY TO NEGOTIATE WITH RUSSIA ONLY ON THE BASIS OF.....  So I guess the U.S. just kicked Ukraine and Zelensky to the side to take on Putin and Russia.  That's huge!!!  Nuland the warmonger knows full well that Putin will not go for the U.S. 10-point "peace formula".  Just like Putin and Russia knows the U.S. will not go for their peace plan.
China stepped in with their own peace plan on February 24.  "China offered a 12-point proposal and offered to be the mediator between the two sides.
Ukraine news: Understanding China's 12-point peace proposal | CTV News

"Western leaders have largely dismissed a peace plan for Ukraine laid out by China's government...China's government called for peace talks while urging all parties to avoid nuclear escalation and end attacks on civilians..."
Western leaders give cool response to China’s plan for Ukraine peace talks | China | The Guardian
I've heard rumors that the U.S. blew off China's peace plan and China responded with, 'Whatever happens now is on you.'
Putin's annual speech to the nation last week was very telling.  After presenting all of the ways the the U.S. has attacked Russia - expansion of NATO to Russian borders, economic war, attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, financing the coup in Ukraine in 2014, financing the war in Ukraine now, and, then Putin said this, "plotting to destroy and partition Russia into pieces."  Putin knows of the U.S. plan to replace him and divide up Russia.
Putin said, "This means they plan to finish us once and for all.  In other words, they plan to grow a local conflict into a global confrontation.  This is how we understand it and we will respond accordingly, because this represents an existential threat to our country."  WOW!
Putin has let the U.S. know that he will use nuclear weapons if he has to.  On the day before his speech he test fired Russia's Sarmat II ICBM - otherwise known as the Satan-2 missile.  Putin announced Russia was suspending Russia's participation in the START II treaty.
Putin has effectively said, "Get off my porch, and cocked the forty-five."  "This doesn't mean that Russia is going to strike the USA tomorrow morning. But we are definitely now teetering on the cliff's edge of nuclear war."
"The spacing of American Minuteman silos was designed for the majority to survive a first strike and launch retaliation.  However, Russian maneuverable hypersonic multiple re-entry vehicles nullify this defense if the targeting data is accurate.  Russia has to accurately hit 400 ground targets in the first strike to nullify a response.'
"Thus, if Russia strikes first, it may be able to eliminate the majority of incoming missiles by destroying them on the ground.  The 240 submarine launched Trident missiles would be the primary threat to defend against.  Thus a first strike could reduce the number of expected retaliation missiles by 62%."

"Russia currently has a window of superiority in both nuclear offense and defense that NATO is rapidly trying to close.  It is not in Russia's interest to allow NATO to close the technology gap in air defense and ICBM offense."
"The world is now on the threshold of nuclear war.  Russia keeps warning the West.  The West keeps ignoring the warnings and doubling down.  The immovable object is meeting the unstoppable force....Russia may now have an effective missile defense shield, while NATO does not."
"Russia just made the legal case that the USA and NATO are a war with Russia and pose an existential threat to Russia's existence.  It seems likely to me that in the coming weeks Russia's ally China (China did just that on Feb 24, 2023), will offer a peace deal which freezes the Ukraine conflict within the current lines of contact, i.e. Ukraine conceding lost territory to Russia."  
"If the West rejects the offered peace (I'll add, rumor has it, the U.S. has), which seems fairly likely, then all the conditions for a nuclear war will be in place.  All it will take is a new provocation by NATO to trigger a first strike by Russia.  Or worse, if both parties realize this is the case, both will have the incentive to strike first."
"In the next 360 days we are in greater danger of a nuclear exchange between Russia and NATO than we have ever seen before.  There is a 60 to 90 day window remaining for this outcome to be avoided.  Let us pray that God will turn the hearts of the Western leaders away from the suicidal folly they have embraced."
60 to 90 days is two to three months.  60 days puts us right after Passover.  Will the Tribulation Period start in Nisan - 1, 10, 15?   The U.S. to accept a peace treaty designed and brokered by China looks to be off the, it looks like, it's time to prepare.  Russians have been doing that for a long time.
Looking for the Rapture from now until.....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!