Chance (26 Feb 2023)
"Arizona Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting - Bombshell Testimony"

Hello John and Doves,
There was a joint meeting on 2/23/2023 of the Senate and House in Arizona.  It was their "Senate Elections and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Joint Meeting".  This included both the House and Senate in Arizona.  Video at the link.
Video Player
This meeting started at 9:00AM.  At about 4:04:00 into this meeting, Jacqueline Berger, a forensic investigator, gave testimony.  The "book" of evidence (300 pages and 3,000 attachments) she presented is titled "Preliminary Findings of Activities Impacting Arizona's Election Integrity (with specific focus on the 2020  & 2022 General Elections).  She works for an attorney, John Thayer of Thayer Law Corporation, who's been investigating racketeering for some thirty years.  This law firm was "investigating multistate racketeering and corruption but in the process, discovered election fraud as well.
"The Maricopa County database has absolutely no integrity whatsoever," Jackie said.  "Racketeering enterprises are inextricably intertwined with election fraud."
Jackie even named a few names - and due to time restraints had to skip some of her testimony.  Her "book" was made available to members AFTER the meeting.  There were a lot of squirming Senators and Representatives in this meeting!  And stolen general elections were brought up for 2020 (for the U.S. president) and 2022 for the governor position, Secretary of State and the Attorney General!
This was a BOMBSHELL!  It seems that few people at this meeting knew she was going to talk; and few people knew what she was going to talk about.  Because her report 'alleged' corruption, money laundering, bribe taking, rigged elections, illegal mortgages/deeds etc - and 'misdoings' by legislatures (at this meeting), judges, police, mayors, city council members, etc.  All the way to the top in Arizona - even Governor Katie Hobbs!  She has proof of everything.  Forged deeds, mortgages, missing court records, modified court records, forged court records, none existent banks, non existent people - forged signatures, purposeful backdoors in the voting machines, etc.  They also found "phantom people" with bank accounts that were opened at Wells Fargo.  This bank is also involved in this money laundering. And there is a witness/whistleblower that blew this whole thing open.  Lots of proof, lots of documents.
She reported that "Multiple state databases have been infiltrated or hacked, thus allowing falsified documents to be uploaded into them, and allowing legitimate documents to be removed."  And she said Arizona State University, University of Arizona computer systems "have been hacked, with degrees forged for individuals who never graduated."  And "state licensing agencies were hacked and licenses forgeded for people."  "Even law licenses; we have seen phantom attorneys registered with the state bar..."    Her law firm has all the documents/proof for all of this.
California and New Mexico have followed up on these claims in their states and opened investigations.  Other states are following suit.  This "book" was sent to several state Attorney Generals.
She said that the Sinaloa cartel is behind this.  And the cartel has been "influencing" elections all over the United States.  They want the border wide open and they wants DAs, Judges, Governors, Attorney Generals, Secretary of States, mayors, police, etc backing their drug and human trafficking, money laundering, bribes, etc.  (This explains why Biden, Mayorkas, many Senators/Representatives, Democrats/Republicans want the border wide open.) And behind the Sinaloa cartel is the Chinese.  The Chinese are providing the drugs and ingredients for drugs to the cartel.  
A few years ago I heard that Russian and Chinese cartels controlled Mexico.  They are over the Mexican cartels.  
As for the new governor race of Arizona (Katie Hobbs unbelievably beat out Kari Lake), This law firm had the cheating/election tampering witnessed and documented.  Lake made an appeal, but the Arizona appeals court "rejected the challenge of her defeat in the Arizona governor's race.."  Of course they did - Jackie has all the goods on the corrupt judges in Arizona - the names and what they did. 
Kari Lake loses appeal in Arizona governor race challenge - ABC News
Jackie has proof that Katie Hobbs took bribe money from Sinaloa.  Also, the voting company in Arizona, Runbeck Election Services took bribes from Sinaloa.  Bribes were paid to officials and election service providers also..  Runbeck has on their website, "Since 1972, Runbeck Election Services has preserved the integrity of the American democratic process. We partner with cities, counties and states to provide a trusted election experience with technology printing, equipment, and software solutions that are accurate, transparent and efficient. As a company founded and completely run in America, we are Defending Democracy - one ballot at a time."   They can print and mail ballots, sort and scan ballots and verify signatures.
Runbeck Election Services - Election products and services
Runbeck is corrupt to the core.  And Jackie has the goods on this voting company too! 
Jackie said that Mesa, Arizona was a racketeering organization - run by the Sinaloa cartel.  And with the new governor, SOS and AG all put in place by this cartel, one can say the state of Arizona is run by a Mexican cartel - under Chinese control.
And twitter is all over this: 
"Katie Hobbs" - Twitter Search / Twitter
People are calling for Katie Hobbs to be recalled and the results of the election made null and void.  The election was rigged to help the cartel - keep the border open and keep corrupt judges, governors, DAs, mayors, etc in office to help the cartel.
Jackie said that "the book" has been sent to the IRS, the FBI, numerous state Attorney Generals.  There are investigations going on now in various California and New Mexico.
And after over two years as president, Biden put sanctions on a few members and six companies of the Sinaloa cartel for "supplying and operating fentanyl labs"  February 22, 2023. 
Biden administration sanctions Mexican cartel network for supplying and operating fentanyl labs | CNN Politics
This is a lot too little and a lot too late.  A slap on the hand - only because of public outcry.    (Just like shooting down the Chinese spy balloon AFTER it had collected and transmitted top secret information back to China.)
What they found in Arizona and through out the U.S. is shocking and a real bombshell that, hopefully, will have a whole lot of fallout!!
Of course, we have the people screaming this is "conspiracy theory", "misinformation".  And news articles stating Jackie Breger has "no evidence".  Republican State Senator Ken Bennett's name came up as one of those who took bribes.  Bennett was noticeably shocked at this testimony and told Breger to 'stop talking'.  There are reports that after the meeting, 'tensions within the Arizona GOP boiled over."
'F-bombs were dropped' after Arizona election denial witness accused GOP officials of taking bribes: report
Will anything really come from this testimony?  Will anything change?  These evil people are in positions of power and many of those who could make a difference are taking bribes too.  They are up to their necks in corruption.  It's going to take some miracles to clean out the vermin.
I really doubt that China, I mean, Sinaloa, will take one step back from their control over the U.S. border, U.S. cities, U.S. states, U.S. Office of the President, House and Senate.  There must be thousands of people that have been bought off, thousands of traitors.  The thing is, China doesn't care about them at all...they are useful idiots.  China really wants to take over the United States and "depopulate" the country.  
Chinese 'cartels' quietly operating in Mexico, aiding US drug crisis | Fox News
Who will stop them??
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!