Chance (26 Feb 2023)
"The 70th Week of Daniel (Mike P.) and the 1290 Time Line of Daniel"

Hello John, Mike P. and Doves,
In this letter I'd like to look at Mike P's letters (about the 1260 days and the third approach to Daniel's 70th week) from last week and Daniel's 1290 days time line.
Mike P., thank you for your letters last week.  In time for the upcoming Spring High Holy Days!
In this letter, Mike P. noted that 10 Nisan this year plus 1260 days takes us to Rosh Hashanah 2026.
If Half of Daniel's 70th Week has Already Been Completed then...........
That's from the day Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem - and, some believe, that's the day the prophetic clock stopped, only to start again in some future year on that anniversary date. 
I first came across this line of thinking in a news letter that Pastor Riley wrote many, many years ago.  I've never forgotten that.  The 1260 days take us from 10 Nisan to the Feast of Trumpets - for the final battle, followed by the opening of The Books/Judgment and then the start of the Millennium.  Fulfilling these last three feast days of the Fall. 
A 3.5 year Tribulation starting in the Spring would fall 1260 days later in the Fall.  Starting the prophetic clock on the same day Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem - the day he stopped and wept and told Jerusalem they missed Him.  He couldn't finish up the prophecies given in Daniel that would have taken them to the end of the 70th week.
And this letter of Mike P.'s presents a third approach to Daniel's 70th week.
Daniel 9:24-27 |
There are several here on Doves who believe in a 3.5 year long Tribulation Period instead of a 7 year time line.  For many of the same reasons presented in the article that Mike P. linked in his Dove's letter.  The third approach presents Jesus as fulfilling the first 3.5 years of this 70th week with His 3.5 year long ministry, leaving the last 3.5 years to be fulfilled during the Tribulation starting when the prophetic clock starts ticking again.
That clock stopped on a specific day and will start again on a specific day.  It really is a perfect day to stop and start on - 10 Nisan.  We know Jesus was fulfilling prophecy on that day because we were told in John 12:14:  "And Jesus, when he had found a young ass, sat on it; as it is written."  John 12:15.
"Fear not, daughter of Sion:  behold, thy King cometh, sitting on an ass's colt."  John 12:15
"And when He was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it."  Luke 19:41
The clincher verse is: Jesus said, "... If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this they day, the things that bring you peace!  But now they are hid from thine eyes."  Luke 19:42
Jesus said that if they had watched for Him and paid attention to the prophecies, they would have known the day of His arrival.  (As I believe that if we watch and are alert, we can know the day of His Rapture and the start of the Tribulation).
Daniel's 70th week was prophesied "upon they people and upon they holy city (Jerusalem), and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most Holy."  In other words, Jesus, the Messiah would come one day and bring Jerusalem peace, forever.  Daniel 9:24  He reconciled sinners to God and He would have sealed up the vision and prophecy...but he was "cut off", crucified.  The prophetic clock stopped.
During this 70th week, Jesus was to confirm the covenant with many - Jesus told His disciples at the Last Passover, "For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."  Matt 26:28  
"This covenant radically alters the lives of those making it, for under its terms sin is forgiven, the Holy Spirit is given.  God's laws are internalized, eternal life is granted (because it gives us personal, experiential knowledge of the Father and the Son: see John 17:3) ..."
What the Bible says about Messiah Confirming the Covenant

What Jesus started and finished - this new covenant written on the hearts of men - was prophesied in Jeremiah 31:33:  "But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people".  This is a follow up covenant with the Jewish people - a better covenant - written on their hearts. In Genesis 12:1-3, God established that Abrahamic Covenant. This was the beginning of the covenant with God that would move into grace brought as a better covenant through Jesus.  God always knew this would happen.
God said, "This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors (the Abrahamic Covenant) when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, although I was an husband unto them." Jeremiah 31:32
"In fact, when the Messiah began confirming this covenant (that would be written in their hearts), Israelites in general did not want to have anything to do with Him.  He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him (John 1:11-12)."
What the Bible says about Messiah Confirming the Covenant

 The prophetic clock stopped.  Now would begin another dispensation - that of the Age of the Gentiles.
And when that Age is finished, at the Rapture, the last dispensation will begin - Jacob's Trouble.
Over the years, I've written several letters to Doves about a 3.5 year Tribulation.  None of the above is new - it's just a followup to Mike P's letters.
Daniel's 1290 Time Line:
I'd now like to look at the 1290 days prophesied in Daniel 12:11  "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.  'Abolish' is 'husar' in Hebrew - "removed", "is taken away", "is abolished".
Hebrew Concordance: hū·sar -- 2 Occurrences
Note that translations of this verse include the word "sacrifice" in italics - this means it's been added.  The Hebrew word of 'daily' is 'hattamid'.  'Hattamid' in Hebrew means 'and the continual', 'and the daily'.  Like "and the continual bread offering" or "the continual burnt offering", or "the continual oil and the anointing", or they "were continually in the temple blessing God", or "let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise"
Hebrew Concordance: hat·tā·mîḏ -- 24 Occurrences
So 'hattamid' doesn't have to necessarily mean 'the continual sacrifice' - it could be 'the continual prayers" as pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 2 Timothy 1:3
Continual Prayer and Its Effects
Or 'the continual hope' as in Psalm 71:14:  "But I will hope without ceasing."
And for the translation "daily", it could be "daily bread", or "daily burnt offering", or "watching daily" or "daily sacrifice", or "daily prayers".
We are told to "watch daily" Proverbs 8:34  And "watch and pray" always. "Be always on the watch and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen..."  Luke 21:36
My point is, "the continual" or "the daily" could be something else besides "sacrifice", that is inferred.
So what if "the continual" is something else?  What could that possibly be?  In this day and time in Jerusalem.
What is the only thing Jewish people do 'daily' now, since there is no Temple or altar for the 'daily sacrifice'?
What if it's the daily prayers at the Western Wall?  What if something happens to stop that - a violent protest, an attack on worshipers, a war, an earthquake, ....??
There have been recent protests at the Western Wall against a proposed bill in the Knesset.
Bill to criminalize egalitarian prayer and immodest dress at the Western Wall is shelved after outcry – The Forward

And this article on Feb 22, 2023 "Clashes broke out at the Western Wall on Wednesday morning, including between Knesset member, as hardline Jews blocked and harassed supporters of the Women of the Wall group as they tried to hold a combination protest-prayer service at the holy site."
Reform rabbis assailed as they try to bring Torah scrolls to women at Western Wall | The Times of Israel

4.1 earthquake in the Dead Sea region on Feb 7, 2023  (this is the same fault line as the one in Turkey that's been hit so terribly hard recently and this area is still very active)
4.1 magnitude earthquake near Baytā al Fawqā, West Bank, Palestinian Territory and Jerusalem, Israel : February 07, 2023 21:14
How about war with Iran?  This article is from Feb 22, 2023
And this article from Feb 23, 2023  "Israel will prepare for possible action against Iran's nuclear facilities after a series of secret meetings between the prime minister and leaders from the defense and intelligence ministries, according to a leaked report." 
Netanyahu readies strike on Iran nuclear facilities: report

IF we say this 3.5 year Tribulation Period is correct AND it starts this year on, say, 10 Nisan.  And the 30 days of Daniel's 1290 days is BEFORE the 1260 days begin...what will be that day this year?
Some upcoming dates:
The new moon over Jerusalem will be on March 21, 2023.  April 6 is the following full moon.
If we go by the sighting of the new moon, the month of Nisan could start on March 23.  See Garry B's letter on 19 Feb 2023:

Garry has April 1, 2023 for 10 Nisan.  On the Chabad calendar, April 1 is 10 Nisan.  On the Torah calendar, April 1 is 10 Nisan.  1 Nisan on April 23.
Torah Calendar
April, 2023 / Nissan - Iyar, 5783 - Jewish Calendar - Hebrew Calendar

So, if we calculate the 30 days before 10 Nisan, April 1 we come to THURSDAY, March 2, 2023
Date Calculator: Add to or Subtract From a Date – Results

I know that there have been dreams reported to Doves about the Rapture occurring on a Thursday.  I've seen recent letters referring to these dreams and Thursday.  Or, if no Rapture on this day, but we see the prayers at the Western Wall stopped on March 2 (or close to that) - then we certainly could count 30 days to the start of the Tribulation.  I think that would be more than coincidental.  Here's Charles' dream 26 Apr 2012
I saw the rapture on a Thursday
According to Daniel, the 1290 days takes us to the "abomination of desolation" - Jesus tells us about this in Matthew 24:15; Jesus tells the people to flee to the mountains "For then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."  Matt 24:21  The parallel version of this is in Luke.  Luke 21:20 "And when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near."  
In The Revelation, John tells us about this "abomination" - "And they marched across the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city (Jerusalem): and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them."  Rev 20:9  Then the devil is thrown into the lake of fire.  And then John saw "a great white throne, and Him that sat on it..."  Rev 20:11
So this time line of 1290 days takes us from some "daily/continual" thing removed/taken away to the surrounding of Jerusalem by armies that God destroys...then the Great Judgment. So, the end of the Tribulation.
Could this daily/continual be the prayers at the Wailing Wall?  Would this be what's taken away at the beginning of the 1290 day time line?
This is a few IFs - but I've got my eye on March 2 and a day or two either way.  (Note I used 10 Nisan as the start day, but I could have used Passover - April 6? - which differs by about 5 days - so March 7 which falls on Purim.)
March 2 on the Chabad calendar is 9 Adar.  Moses died on 7 Adar.  Purim is right after March 2.  Jean Stepnoski's 12 Feb 2023 letter shows Purim dates: March 6 to March 8
Reply For Chance: Purim Is From 3-6 to 8
Just a few thoughts for now....
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!