Chance (12 Feb 2023)
"Jack Hibbs "Chinese Spy Balloon - What you really need to know""

Hello John and Doves,
This is an excellent fairly short video - on the "Real Life with Jack Hibbs" youtube channel.
"The Chinese Spy Balloon is just one of several key things you need to know about China and how they have positioned themselves as a threat to the United States and our allies."
run time 22:46
At the end of this talk, Jack Hibbs said, "According to God's Bible when a nation that knows Him departs from Him, He dries up the rain, He sends locust or bugs to consume their crops, He says their women will miscarry, and where ever you go you will be terrified because you'll feel you are constantly under attack...and here's the clincher, and He said that if you don't listen I will send your enemies to invade you.. .. Will America be invaded?  The answer is not IF, it's WHEN.  No nation lasts forever.  The only country that will is Israel.  And America had better get back to its God."