Chance (12 Feb 2023)
"Former Director of National Intelligence And The Chinese Spy Balloon"

Hello John and Doves,
In this video, Maria Bartiromo interviews John Ratcliffe, former Director of National Intelligence, about the Chinese spy balloon - flying "at least 100 continuous hours over the continental United States in an intelligence operation, of incalculable damage, violating U.S. sovereignty of our air space and territorial borders in an unprecedented way that I am not aware of ever happening in our history."  "And the Biden administration let this happen."  There are no 'civilian airships' like China claims.  "This was a spy operation, it was deliberate, it was intentional, it was calculated to go over sensitive military site, nuclear facilities, and critical infrastructure.  There was nothing accidental about this.   It was a deliberate campaign, and unfortunately, as we just talked about, incredibly successful for the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China."
Maria asked Ratcliffe about previous incursions into out air space.  The Biden DoD is claiming that there were three Chinese spy balloons that flew into U.S. air space during the Trump administration that were not shot down, nor disclosed to the public.  Ratcliffe said this is not true - he can refute this.  And the former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper refuted it also.  Former SOS and former CIA Directory Pompeo also refuted this ever happened.
(FOX News is reporting that 3 UFOs seen during the Trump years were changed into 'Chinese spy balloons' by the Biden Administration.  Nothing is too low for this administration!)
Ratclife says this Chinese spy balloon in U.S. air space is unprecedented.  "The damage (of spy craft over the U.S. for about a week) is incalculable.  "It wasn't just 320 million Americans watching this balloon, you know paralyzed for a week, it was Russia, it was Iran, it was North Korea, it was American adversaries who also were surprised that this type of thing could happen, and are frankly thrilled at the possibilities of what they could do to deploy the same type of stratospheric, you know, balloon or device over the continental mainland and have this kind of slow, weak, timid, frankly, terrible response by the Biden administration."
Ratclife stated again for Maria that there were never three previous spy balloons from China that entered the U.S. air space like Americans are being told by this administration/Biden DoD.
Maria asked what was the payload of this balloon?  Why would the Chinese send "obsolete technology" over the U.S. if it wasn't going to provide anything of value?  Recent technology has made these balloons maneuverable, can loop around, can hoover and do things that low earth satellites can't do.  
Ratclife said that we know that China has been deploying drones from stratospheric balloons.  Our DoD has it's own balloons and research that is on going involving different payloads like drones, and very small electronic listening devices that can run on solar power and transmit data.  He doesn't know what the payload was of this spy balloon.  "This balloon should have been taken down before it go to American airspace." He thinks Biden's National Security team has committed many national security disasters - "the manufactured security crisis at our southern border", and the "unmitigated military disaster in Afghanistan that they are the architects of", and their handling of Putin over the Ukraine/Russia war, and not confronting China over a million plus dead Americans from Covid, and the deaths due to fentanyl that's coming from China, and now a Chinese spy balloon that violates our air space for almost a week - "there is a long list of incompetence" and the question as to whether Biden's Security Team is compromised.  Americans have no confidence in the Biden Administration.
run time 11:22
FOX News reported that the top general from NORAD said the U.S. military did not detect any Chinese spy flights during the Trump Administration.  Exposing the lies of the Biden Administration and his DoD!
I don't not see any of this as "incompetence" - I believe it's all planned by the Biden Administration and DoD with China. Biden and Biden's Security Team absolutely is compromised! 
It's lie, upon lie, upon lie to the American people.   China could have released spy drones in the U.S. or set up listening devices around our bases/silos/ etc via this balloon - they certainly have the means to do this and they certainly were given the time to do this - at their leisure per Biden Administration and his DoD.
For some time, I have written about China vs the U.S.  China has had plans in place for years to take over the U.S..  They want the farmland and the infrastructure.  They have polluted all of their usable farmland and rivers and grossly polluted their air.  They have patiently and slowly infiltrated the U.S. - one university, one corporation, one politician, one state government, one school board member, one Senate and one House seat at a time.  And now, they have taken over so much in America!
Back in January, I came across an article out of Salt Lake, Utah.  Various "towers" consisting of a "locked battery box, a solar panel, and an antenna" have been around Salt Lake City - on public land, University of Utah land and Forest Service land.  They have no idea who owns these units or who installed them.  
"These towers have been bolted into different peaks and summits and ridges around the foothills and it started with one or two, and now it might be as much as a dozen."  These aren't easy to get to or remove.  It's a mystery as to who is installing these.  It looks like these have been found on University of Utah land.
Mystery Solar Powered Antennas Popping Up Around Salt Lake City Foothills | Unofficial Networks
This other article states that these antennas "first appears over a year ago, but installations have accelerated in recent months, KSLTV 5 reported on January 4."  Authorities are seizing these. Some of these are in places that are very difficult to get to - "inhibiting the removal process."  "Some antennas have since been removed, with more expected to be seized in the coming weeks..."  "Initial investigations indicate that the antennas might be relaying data to a broader area, with authorities calling on owners to come forward."
Utah authorities discover mysterious crypto-linked antennas in the mountains; Searching for owners
It's possible these belong to people who deal with Helium (a wireless blockchain-based system - and these antenna are hot spots used by helium miners.  I don't understand all of this but it has something to do with cryptocurrency.)
What is a Helium miner and how does it work?
But what if these aren't involved in cryptocurrency?  That would be an "easy" explanation.  Are they even thinking of Chinese spies? Someone has gone to a lot of time and money and work to get these placed around Salt Lake City.  (And why aren't we hearing about these "mystery antennae" elsewhere?  Surely, Helium networks are all over.)
Now I'm even more suspicious of "mysteries" being found in the US - mystery antennas, mystery drones, mystery listening units, etc.
So what's around Salt Lake City, that might be of interest to the CCP?
Dugway Proving Ground - Salt Lake City - "The main purpose of the base is the manufacturing and testing of chemical and biological weapons.  The Department of Defense also uses this base a training and development point for experimental aircraft."  It's also a "training point for it Special Forces units for desert combat."
Roland R. Wright ANG Base - Salt Lake City - "It is now the headquarters for a Refueling Wing Squadron to provide in-air refueling capabilities to the U.S. armed forces and allies.  The base has housed every type of refueling aircraft that the U.S military has used and is currently using the world's most sophisticated system available."
Marine Corps Bases In Utah - USMC Reserve Company F - Salt Lake City -  "This company is part of 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines.  This particular unit is stationed in Utah, with others being in California and Nevada.  They are used to supplement the Active duty forces should the need arise.  The base is also important in the logistical movements of the DoD.
So far, I'm seeing this balloon platform could have been 1) sending info to help the CCP with their targeting of hypersonic missiles; 2) used to release drones in various highly sensitive areas; 3) used to release a bioweapon - spread by the winds/Jet Stream the balloon was traveling in.  (Maybe this was the second half of the two-part bioweapon we've heard about - the first part being the "vaccine", the second part to be released at some time later.); 4) sending highly sensitive information/data/pictures back to Beijing; 5) used to 'drop' listening devices in highly sensitive areas, 6) ????; 7) or a combination of things.
Boy, this whole balloon story is blowing up in Biden's face!  His Administration and his DoD have been exposed as corrupt, as liars, and as traitors - sold out to the CCP.  Some FOX News anchors are "this" far away from saying so - along with various others - active top military, retired top military, former high ranking cabinet members, Senate/House of Represenative Democrats and Republicans...   Even the White House Press Corp isn't dealing well with the WH's answers.
Senate Democrat joins GOP in thumping Biden over Chinese balloon response - POLITICO
On February 7, Biden is going to deliver the State of the Union.  He's got a lot of baggage to carry into this - the "Top Secret" documents that kept popping up - that he had no business to even have in the first place;  the Hunter laptop with Biden/Chinese connections; and now the Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to meander leisurely across the skies of America.  Biden will probably talk about how tough he was on China - taking down their balloon (everyone outside of the Biden tentacles is saying it never would have been shot down except for public pressure - and never would have been reported if some people in Montana and the Montana news hadn't seen it and reported on it!)
President Joe Biden to deliver State of the Union Tuesday – Chicago Tribune

Oh, and they've put the fences back up around the Capitol.  "Fences don't work" on the border though.
People need to be aware, keep their eyes open for anything that looks suspicious.  The tentacles of the Chinese are everywhere.
I have no doubt, after this last Chinese 'incidence', that with the Biden Administration's help, The United States of America is going to be invaded by the Chinese military.  That's their plan and ultimate goal - America's farmland and infrastructure.  Several American top brass and lawmakers have said they expect war with China in two years or within two years.  I think this shows it will be much closer - probably this year.
Gordon Chang (an expert on all things China) said "A Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. airspace in Montana signals that the country is preparing its citizens for war..."We know what the Chinese are doing...They're engaged in the fastest military buildup since the Second World War....and most ominously they're preparing China's civilians for war."  
War could come at any time and at any place." 
China spy balloon shows country is preparing citizens for war that could come at ‘any time’: expert
Chang reported that Chinese factories have been retrofitted to war factories.  This is a big heads up!  Just like the U.S. did before entering the second world war. 
As things continue to unravel for Biden - the "Top Secret" documents, the Hunter laptop, the spy balloon....along with the various investigations being carried out by the new House members/majority - I don't think THEY will take one step back.  They'll start WW3 to protect themselves from prosecutions and to protect their precious destructive agenda - the demise of the U.S., no longer a world superpower.
With this new information/data/pictures, I doubt China will wait long...
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!