Bob Ware (12 Feb 2023)
"2 October 2016 (first day of 305th Jewish calendar cycle) to 21 March 2023 equals 2361 days (sum of all 260 NT chapter numbers)"

The sum of all 929 Old Testament chapter numbers is 24,978. It was 24,978 days from Israel’s rebirth on 14 May 1948 to 2 October 2016. 2 October 2016 was the last day of the 304th 19-year Jewish calendar cycle. 2 October 2016 was also the beginning of Rosh Hashanah 5777 and the start of this current 305th Jewish calendar cycle.


The sum of all 260 chapter numbers in the New Testament is 2361. The first 38 (2 x 19) elements have a total of 2361 elementary particles. From 2 October 2016 to 21 March 2023 (the vernal equinox and a new moon) will be 2361 days. The last day of the current Jewish religious year begins at sunset on 21 March 2023.


Psalms 90:10 “The length of our days is seventy years--or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” 21 March 2023 is the 80th day of 2023.


21 March 2023 is the 1984th day around the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’. George Orwell’s book ‘1984’ was published on 8 June 1949. The Israeli Knesset convened for the first time on 14 February 1949. 86 is the gematria of ‘God’ in Genesis 1:1. 86 days after 14 February 1949 Israel was voted into the U.N. as its 59th member on 11 May 1949. Israel's War of Independence ended 70 days later on 20 July 1949. The 1949th day around my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ will be 14 February 2023.


21 March 2023 will be the 8,888th inclusive day since the International Space Station was placed into orbit on 20 November 1998. 1998 is the gematria of the first five words of Genesis 1:1. 1998 is also the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (855) and ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143).


21 March 2023 will be the 666th inclusive day since 25 May 2021 when Pope Francis launched the Vatican’s seven-year Laudato si’ action plan to implement environmental sustainability in different sectors of the Church from religious orders to Catholic schools and hospitals.


21 March 2023 will be the 1776th (2 x 888) inclusive day since 11 May 2018 (the 69th anniversary of U.N. vote to make Israel its 59th member on 11 May 1949). 11 May 2018 was also the last date around the ‘Circle of Time’.


From 21 March 2023 to the solar eclipse across the United States on 8 April 2024 will be 384 days which is the number of days in one Jewish leap year of 13 lunar cycles.

301st to 305th Jewish Calendar Cycles and 3-28-2023.jpg