Stacey Hannah (6 Feb 2022)
"Pastor Francis Riley"


Hi John,

Well, Pastor Riley has now fallen five times, been airlifted to the hospital in Columbia MO. He is not eating or drinking and has been diagnosed with Covid. He is not always cognizant and in danger of losing his life.

He has become a close friend through 17 years of reading his bible studies on Five Doves and corresponding. As long as I have known him, he has asked God to let him go up in the Rapture. Now, he wants to go home on his 88 th birthday which is February 19.2022.

Another Five Dove and I have gotten ivermectin and vitamin c etc to him. His life is in God’s hands. I implore each of you to pray for him and if you feel led to assist in financial gifts this would help him. He would never ask for financial help; however, I unashamedly ask. He has taught me more about the bible than anyone.

Stacey Hannah