Jean Stepnoski (20 Feb 2022)
"A Timeline of Weeks"

Mike Adams at natural on 2-14 has article and podcast, worth studying, about the theory of a particular woman concerning a possible aftermath of the current o games. The games end on 2-20. Then what? Athletes, coaches, families, diplomats and others will fly home. Where? To destinations in every continent, from the largest city and airport in the country, larger than Wuhan.  The departing used somehow as pawns, once they get home? A delivery system, even more potential pervasive distribution, than 2 years ago? She believes that a new thing has a long period to develop to maturity, before it is obvious. This is estimated as a 3 to 4 week waiting period, per individual.


   Let us consider a 3 to 4 week timeline begun on 2-17-2022. The 3 week marker will be 3-10-2022. Like the Days of Noah.  this is a 7-8 day alert, a heads up. It would be like The Days of Noah Returned:  Like Month 2 Day 10 to Month 2 Day 17 was according to the Book of Genesis. It will be just before Purim Day 2 and St. Patrick’s Day combined on 3-17-2022, at a 4 week marker on timeline since 2-17-2022. Will the normal be much less, or no more, during the later days or Last Day of this timeline? Might 3-17-2022 be The Day of The Blessed Hope, Phase Two of the First Resurrection of the Messiah? As Paul noted, “See that no one takes your crown.” We shall see…



With Love and Shalom,
