Hi Donna,
The rapture is a judgment of Jesus Christ because He is the One who judges who is taken and who is left- behind according to :
2 Thessalonians 1:7-11
"........taking vengeance on them that know not God.........that our God would count you worthy of this calling............. "
Matthew 24:29-31 describes the very same event as described in Rev 6:12-17 which is the resurrection / rapture.
Seal #1 describes the prelude to the Gog-Magog War exclusively against Israel.
Seal #2 describes the Gog-Magog War exclusively against Israel.
Seal #3 describes the effects of the Gog-Magog War exclusively against Israel.
Seal #4 describes the aftermath of the Gog-Magog War exclusively against Israel.
Seal #5 describes God comforting the souls under the throne that the resurrection / rapture judgment will happen soon.
Seal #6 describes the resurrection / rapture , the sealing of the 144,000 , and the raptured Church in heaven as the Great Multitude standing before the Lord.
Seal #7 describes the Great Tribulation upon the WHOLE WORLD from beginning to end.
The Gog- Magog War of tribulation exclusively UPON ISRAEL comes first, followed by the resurrection / rapture , followed by the Great Tribulation upon the WHOLE WORLD.
Blessings to you...