Fay (6 Feb 2022)
"The End Times are nearly Upon Us."


Hi John and Doves,

The world is in chaos. Our political leaders are slime. The attack against anything Christian is obvious. Our children are in danger - make no error. I am no longer afraid to be called a conspiracy theorist. A title thrown at us to minimise and diminish us. I am a conspiracy fact finder. FULL STOP!

Israel is in deep danger. Very deep danger. They have a cobbled-together, bizarre coalition of a government. They have so-called "Rabbis" who are telling them that the covid vaccine is good. Any common sense adult who thinks properly, will admit that this vaccine rubbish is NOT good. It has been rushed through - relying on propaganda and panic. Giving most people little time to think it through. This is a major war tactic. SHOCK and AWE is what it's called. Causing most to panic and listen to the loudest voice. The loudest voice has been the filthy mainstream media. May Almighty God condemn them.

Be all this as it may - prophecy teaches us to look to Israel for prophecy. Israel is in danger. Major danger. Therefore, our redemption draws near. We are in an emergency situation. May Almighty God grant us courage and wisdom. Insight and compassion.

We need to pray like never before. We are in the end times.

Please LORD, grant us your coming. Rescue us from this rotten world, we beg You. PLEASE make it all stop. PLEASE come and eradicate all evil. We are so very sorry for all our sins. And we pray hard for the peace of Jerusalem. PLEASE hear our prayers, Almighty Abba Father God. We need You. We yearn to be with You. We hate all the evil. PLEASE hear our prayers, Father God. We pray earnestly for the peace of Jerusalem.

In Jesus; beloved, precious Name.