Fay (27 Feb 2022)


I am going from February 15th (Purim Katan) where there were 2 earthquakes felt in Israel plus the sun expelled a huge flare. At the same time - that witch, Pelosi, was pontificating in Israel's Knesset. 7 days later came 22.02.2022.

22.02.2022 came around and Putin moved into Ukraine. I was expecting something as this was the 11th year anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake in 2011. I took that earthquake as a heads-up because the LORD had given me a dream the night before the EQ, indicating that something was going to happen the next day (February 22nd, 2011) that will point to the rapture. 17 days later, on March 11th, 2011 - the Japan EQ and tsunami happened. JR Church then passed away on March 22nd, 2011. The two "church" incidents appeared to bracket the Japan EQ and tsunami. I have always felt this to be a huge indicator. With Russia moving into Ukraine on this particular date (Feb 22nd) - I fully believe this is warning the church to "lift up your heads". Surely our redemption draws near, Doves? We are seeing the things of Matthew 24 "begin to happen". Jesus told us to start looking up when we see these things BEGIN to happen.

Going on the 7 day indicators thus far - 7 days after 22.02.2022 comes to March 1st. This is the date where Biden is supposed to give his State of the Union address.

My next watch is March 11th - the 11 year anniversary of the Japan EQ and tsunami. Then March 22nd - the 11 year anniversary of JR Church's death. After that is Purim with Shushan Purim falling on March 18th.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.