Dear Doves:
I think that John chapter 11 gives us hints about the Rapture.The verses of 9-11 could be a hint that Lazarus died on Spring Equinox.The verses of 25-26 could be a hint that Resurrection/Transformation occurs 4 days after Spring Equinox.The verse of 30 could be a hint that the Lord comes in the air to meet us.Spring Equinox is 3/21 this year, and it's possible that the Rapture could occur on 3/24.3/24(888) is 8 days from Purim which is 4400 days from the 8.8 Concepcion Sign on Purim.And 3 days of darkness could happen during 3/21-3/24.What about the witness of 40 Days by the Remnant?I see two scenarios.
1) If there will be 3 days of darkness, the witness of 40 Days will end on Spring Equinox.And SD should occur on 2/7 as the midnight cry so that the Remnant rises to witness for 40 days from 2/10.2/7 is the 7th day from the lunar New Year's Day.Averine Pennington received "Hansel" and I interpreted it as a sign pointing the lunar New Year's Day on 2/1.2/4 (the mid-point)was watched closely, and Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony on 2/4 could be the Sign.Here is the message about Beijing Olympic.
2) If there will be no 3 days of darkness, the witness of 40 Days will end on 3/24.And SD should occur on 2/10 as the midnight cry so that the Remnant rises to witness for 40 days from 2/13.2/10 is the 10th day from the lunar New Year's Day.
Although it doesn't say how long, this message tells clearly that there will be the witness(harvest) by the Remnant.
Hopefully this scenario become a reality this time.Maranatha!