Daniel (27 Feb 2022)
"Ukraine - Russia conflict/I: is this already Gog and Magog ?"

letter I to  Five Doves tomorrow 27th february:
Ukraine - Russia conflict/I: is this already Gog and Magog ?
Dear brethren of Five Doves
This is brother Daniel from Switzerland. My mother tongue is
Swiss German but my English is quite oK and therefore I hope
You understand very well the following short message (see 
also letter II (spiritual warfare by successfull prayer) and
letter III (Archangel Michael in Kiev).
Considering the actual conflict the Lord indeed woke me up
just three days ago on wednesday morning february 23rd ! 
That wednesday morning I had as usual my personal prayer
time in the morning before breakfast and with the car quickly
driving away from flat and family four miles to an empty
parking ground near a lake and there in the car and walking
walking around my daily devotional time with bible study,
prayer, worship and intercession/spiritual warfare.
But wednesday 23.02. while praying in the car on the empty
parking area suddenly my whole body trembled only for a
few seconds as if somebody wanted to wake me up from
sleeping and my inner impression and the voice inside
very clearly: "Wake up and make a commitment to pray
much more in the coming days and it is very urgent !"
And just in the following night wednesday/thursday the
war broke out and the invasion of Russia started !
Now I feel all the time to pray and to make intercession
and spiritual warfare as much as possible.
I also called a jewish-messianic sister in Switzerland and she
felt exactly the same heavy burden and one hour later she
called back and she said "I was praying and I felt very dark
and evil cloud over the Ukraine" and this was wednesday
midday before the war started. And before the Russians
started the war this jewish sister already became revealed 
by the Lord the conflict in the invisible world.
And during those three days it was logically my first impression
that this war is now the first step for the Gog and Magog war.
But then doubts came and the impression that this could also
be a fight now to bring now more freedom and another short
time of mercy and local revival movements once again in the
Eastern Europe and that God wants to use for this especially
the very poor country (one of the poorest countries in Europa
but most of the people all very sincere, honest and God fearing
and many of them christians and jews) of Ukraine.
Time will soon tell if this the case (breakthrough and deliverance
of the Ukraine and also spiritual breakthrough) or if it turns the
other way round (escalation, further steps to the Gog and Magog
It is important to pray now for breakthrough in the invisible
world and for victory, see also mail II with the two testimonies
of world war II and mail III concering archangel Michael.
May God bless You all in doing intercession and spiritual warfare
as much as possible because it is urgent.
Brother Daniel from Switzerland