Chance (6 Feb 2022)
"Military Mandate Brief Given to Members of Congress"

Hello John and Doves,
More and more is coming out about the Covid-19 virus and it's accompanying 'vaccine'.  All is damning information.
"This presentation was created to expose the wrongdoings of the DOD from the Secretary of Defense all the way down to Commanders who do not have the fortitude to look into the orders that they are carrying out.  You will find evidence of collusion with the FDA, corruption at the highest levels of the DoD, violations for Federal laws, long established privacy laws, and human rights violations, and throughout this presentation we ask you, the American public, to discern for yourselves the truth.
Since the release of this data to certain Members of Congress, the DoD has caught wind of this information being released and have doubled down on their operations to decimate our military.  In less than 5 days they have taken down the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database and have started issuing orders to the services to start the separation of those who refused the Covid vaccination campaign...."
"This presentation will show irrefutable evidence that the DoD, in concert with the FDA and CDC, sought to create the conditions to mandate a vaccination campaign for DoD that was neither necessary nor legal."
In my last week's letter to Doves, "Military Medical Data on Vaccine Injured", I wrote that Senator Ron Johnson put the DoD on notice to NOT delete info from their database.  According to the above presentation, the DoD has now taken down that database.  Obviously, they are hiding something. 
Military Medical Data on Vaccine Injured
Just like the FDA/Pfizer are hiding their clinical trial information from the American people.  We can't get info now until March or maybe even later!  Yet, legally, all of this information should have been accessible the day this mRNA Covid-19 'vaccine' received EUA from the FDA!  Again, obviously, they are hiding something.
And now, the FDA advisory committee is meeting on February 15 to discuss the Pfizer EUA request to vaccinate children 6 months to 4 years of age.  This goes against all true science as these babies/children do not need this 'vaccine' - there is no benefit-risk assessment that shows children will benefit from this.  But the RISK is off the charts!  THEY will pay for harming the children! 
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Advisory Committee Meeting to Discuss Request for Authorization of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months Through 4 Years of Age | FDA
Much damning information has come out about these 'vaccine's - I have presented much in my letters to Doves over the last year and a half.
The people responsible for these atrocities against the American people and our military need to be removed from office and held accountable.  But it looks like this is part of the Judgment against America for her sins.
God help us!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!