Cal Werner (13 Feb 2022)
"God is saying THIS about Canada 2022 | Have you heard the prophetic sound?"


Worth the 19 min to listen to this about the Canadian Trucker Convoy, the honking, and its spiritual application.

God is saying THIS about Canada 2022 | Have you heard the prophetic sound?  19 min

God is saying THIS about Canada 2022 | Have you heard the prophetic sound?
Whatever your personal feelings about the freedom convoy taking place in Canada right now, the prophetic nature of the SOUND that has come from the movement and the prophetic message for CANADA that is tied to it should not be ignored. Canada is called to be and to bring healing to the nations, a prophetic word for canada inspired by Revelation 22:2 "And the leaves of the tree will be for the healing of the nations." The sound of the horns blaring in the freedom convoy are reminiscent of the horns and trumpets sounding when Joshua lead Israel against JERICHO and the walls came down in accordance with the promise of God.