Bob Ware (6 Feb 2022)
"In 2022 the 55th Anniversary of the Six Day War falls on the same day as Pentecost and Shavuot"

Many years ago the Holy Spirit brought to my attention an anomaly linking Genesis 1:1 and the tribe names on the Breastplate – they both shared a single gematria value. I am always on the watch for any such unique occurrences. The 5th word of Genesis 1:1 (‘heaven’) and the 11th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘MANASSEH’) each have a gematria value of 395. Manasseh is the center of the last three tribe name gematrias that total 888 (‘JESUS’). The prime factoring of 395 is: 5 x 79. 5 is the number for Grace and the 79th element is Gold. Each atom of Gold has 276 elementary particles – 276 were saved in Paul’s shipwreck. 5 and 11 are the prime factors of 55. Iyar 28 of 5782 will be 55 years on the Jewish calendar since the Jews took control of the eastern Holy sites of Jerusalem on the third day of the Six Day War. That was June 7th of 1967 on the Gregorian calendar. In 2022 Iyar 28 will fall on May 29th (or 5/29). 5/11 of 2018 was the last date around my ‘Circle of Time’. From 5/11/2018 to 5/29/2022 will be 1480 inclusive days. 1480 is the Greek gematria of ‘CHRIST’.


The gematria sum for the first 5 words of the 7 Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 is 1998. 1998 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (855) plus ‘Jesus Christ’ (1143).


The gematria sum of 7 of the 12 tribe names on the Breastplate total 2368 which is the Greek gematria for ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The gematria sum for the first 5 of these 7 tribe names totaling 2368 is 1642. 1998 plus 1642 equals: 3640 or (5+5) x 364. 364 is the composite number gematria for ‘JESUS CHRIST’ as derived from its Greek spelling. Enoch’s year had 364 days.


Pentecost falls on June 5th of 2022. This will also be the 55th anniversary of the first day of the Six Day War on the Gregorian calendar. Sunset of June 5th of 2022 will also be the end of the first day of Shavuot which begins at sunset on June 4th and ends at sunset on June 6th. Here is a link to my previous post on this alignment:


From the January 10th of 2021 date at the top of my ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ to June 5th of 2022 will be 511 days. This arc of 511 days plus the 377-day radius line back to the center of the circle equals: 888 (the Greek gematria of ‘JESUS‘). From the October 14th of 2017 start date around the circle circumference of 2368 to June 5th of 2022 will be: 3 x 5 x 113 days.


From the October 2nd of 2016 start date at the center of the ‘Circle of Jesus Christ’ (start of this current 305th Jewish calendar cycle) to June 5th of 2022 will be: 2 x 1036 days served by JFK – our last assassinated President. From Biden’s first day in office on January 20th of 2021 to June 5th of 2022 will be 501 days. 501 is the Hebrew gematria for ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’. 501 is also the Hebrew gematria of the 7th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘ASHER’). Asher is the first of 7 Breastplate tribe name gematrias totaling 2368. Interesting how June 5th of 2022 is linked to 3 different Presidents and ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (2368). 3 x 501 equals the 1503 days served by Lincoln – our first assassinated President. >From Obama’s birth on August 4th of 1961 to June 5th of 2022 will be 22,220 days.


From the end of WW1 on November 11th 1918 to June 5th of 2022 will be 3^4 x 467 days. 467 is the sum of 3 different gematrias for ‘God’ and it is the center of the ‘Prime Cross’ where its 4 points total 1948.


The sum of the ASCII codes for: ‘SIX DAY WAR’ + ‘PENTECOST’ + ‘SHAVUOT’ is 1947. The U.N. voted for the partition of Israel on 29 November of 1947.


From the attacks on Pearl Harbor on December 7th of 1941 to June 5th of 2022 will be 100 x 294 days. 294 is the prime number gematria of ‘JESUS’. >From July 7th of 2007 (07/07/07) to June 5th of 2022 will be 13 x 419 days. 419 is the prime number gematria of ‘Christ’. The sum of the two factors of ‘JESUS’ (100) and ‘CHRIST’ (13) equals: 113. There were 113 fatalities in the only crash of the Supersonic Concord on July 25th of 2000. From July 25th of 2000 to June 5th of 2022 will be 11 x 726 inclusive days. 726 is Strong’s Greek roster number for ‘HARPAZO’.


The prime number gematria for: ‘PENTECOST’ + ‘SHAVUOT’ + ‘HARPAZO’ is 941. 941 is the last number at the fourth corner of my ‘Prime Cube’.

5 June 2022 and Jesus Christ Circle.jpg

5 GN words + 5 Tribe names yield 10 x 364.jpg