From Obama's first day in office on 20 January 2009 to 5 June 2022 will be 4884 days. 4884 equals the sum of three different gematria values for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ plus one of them doubled.
When you assign the Hebrew/Greek gematria values to the English alphabet then the gematria of ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ is 793. 793 is the 12th Star of David number and the 654th composite number. 12 + 654 equals: 666.
The Hebrew gematria for ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ is 501. 501 is also the gematria of the 7th tribe name on the Breastplate (‘ASHER’).
The sum of the title case ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama‘ is: 1795.
501 + 1795 + 793 + 1795 equals the 4884 days from Obama’s first day in office on 20 January 2009 to 5 June 2022 which will be the 55th anniversary of the Six Day War, Pentecost and Shavuot.
20 January 2009 + 501 days was 5 June 2010 – exactly 12 years prior to 5 June 2022.
5 June 2010 + 1795 days was 5 May (5/5) 2015.
5 May (5/5) 2015 + 793 days was 6 July 2017.
6 July 2017 + 1795 days will be 5 June 2022.
Added note which links both ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ and Obama to 5 June 2022:
The prime number uppercase gematria for ‘BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA’ (456) + the sum of the composite number lower case gematria for ‘barack hussein obama’ (917) + the sum of the title case ASCII codes for ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ (1795) equals the Greek gematria for ‘LORD JESUS CHRIST’ (3168).