1 Cor 10:31 (27 Feb 2022)
"YES.... absolutely we are praying for Ukraine!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


A reminder for the world that we are praying for Ukraine and our Christian brothers & sisters there in possible harm’s way!!!  For your protection of course, the Lord’s direction & leadership in your lives and no matter what happens may you supernaturally experience God’s PEACE.   May the Lord make a way for you and part the red sea to protect you.


Also praying with urgency that MORE Ukrainians will become Christians - - before it’s forever too late!!


Same thing for Russians & people in all the surrounding areas!!


If NATO (or the AntiChrist..??) or somebody doesn’t step in soon – just how far along are they going to allow Putin to get??  How much land/territory and countries will he have opportunity to overrun??  To destroy?  To kill?


Praying in Jesus’ mighty, holy, and powerful Name!!!  The Name above ALL Names!!

