Victor (28 Feb 2021)

Strongs Concordance and Amazing Rapture Connections

God is proclaiming from the sky that the rapture is coming. Like the complexity within DNA points to a designer, so the complexity of the signs point to God’s proclamation that the rapture will surely come. 

Strongs Concordance was first published in 1890. James Strong lived from 1822 to 1894. He catalogued 8674 Hebrew root words along with 5624 Greek root words used in the Bible. It was exhaustive and included every root word used in the Bible..

For example, Strongs Hebrew Word 8000 is Shelem meaning “complete”. The internet makes it easy to research because one can just type in “Strongs 8000” to verify that. Strongs 8000 would not have a Greek word because there were not that many Greek root words. Strongs is the only concordance in the world to do that with every root word. It is the standard concordance for all Bible students today. 

Jesus said, “there will be SIGNS in the sun, moon, and stars” The word SIGNS is plural. And the exact details of what some of those signs entail may be something that will be discovered as we go along.

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but it is the honor of kings to search out a matter, Proverbs 25:2.

The first of Strongs numbers that caught my attention was #33. As had been mentioned before, the Great American Eclipse had a lot of connections to 33. It started in the 33rd state and ended in the 33rd parallel, and it was on the 233 day of the week, an it was 33 days before the Great Sign on 9-23-17, the Revelation 12 Sign.

And Strongs Greek word #33 is (age) = “ah gei” = COME

And that is a word meaning “come” and it is an imperative which means that it is a command. So it is a command to COME. And this reminds me of the word to John on the island of Patmos when he heard the voice like a trumpet say, “come up here”. Many pre-trib Bible teachers use that verse to point to the rapture. Revelation 2-3 was Jesus words to the “church”, and after those instructions, John hears the word, “COME”, then the “church” disappears from Revelation until chapter 19 at the Marriage Supper in heaven. 

The Second Strongs number that may be the most revealing is the Greek word #726 Harpatzo “rapture”. From the last blood moon to 9-23-17 (the Rev. 12 Sign) was 726 days. 

That is from Sept 28th, 2015 (the last blood moon of the tetrad) to Sept 23rd, 2017 the gap was exactly 726 days. 

Strongs Greek Word 726 - “harpatzo” = RAPTURE 

Was that God’s plan or was it simply a coincidence. Some felt that if it was a plan, then the rapture would happen on Sept 23rd, 2017. When the rapture did not happen, they felt like it must be coincidence. Some felt let down. But God can give a sign as a warning, and then make the fulfillment at a later time.

It was astounding to many to discover this. Strongs was shouting “rapture” and it was also shouting rapture connected to the Great Rapture Sign of 9-23-17. 

Did that 726 come up as a plan? There was additional confirmation which only God could make. It was discovered that Jerusalem would have exactly 726 day light minutes on the very day of the Revelation 12 Sign (Sept 23rd, 2017). This was reported in a secular website that posts day light minutes for different cities of the world. It was reported in a secular website ( 

The day length for Jerusalem on September 23rd, 2017 would be 12 hours and 6 minutes and 35 seconds. 12 hours is equal to 720 minutes, and when we add 6 minutes to that we get 726 daylight minutes in Israel. And that was the only day in all of 2017 that had 726 minutes. That can be verified by an internet search on “sun Jerusalem Sept 23 2017 vercalendario” Other days had either more or less than 726 daylight minutes. No other day in 2017 had 726 minutes except 9-23 !

726 Daylight minutes in Jerusalem on 09-23-17

Note that the word “harpatzo” / Strongs 726 is the very word used in Revelation 12:5…the child was “caught up” to God…It was also the very word used in I Thessalonians 4:16-18. 

16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be “caught up” together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

The signs kept coming with more and more confirmations that God was proclaiming through these signs that the rapture was in His plans. It is coming, and it is coming soon. 

Another Blood Moon came on July 27th, 2018 which seemed significant. It was right over Jerusalem and the Middle East. So it had connections to Israel. Then several other things were interesting about it. It was the longest blood moon of the century with a 103 minutes of totality. It was a “bulls eye blood moon”. It ended at midnight in Jerusalem, and it was on Israel’s Valentine Day that is considered a very good day for wedding. It was a day that women would dance in the field wearing white robes. 

And how did that point to rapture? There were several ways that Strongs connected that July 27th blood moon to rapture hints. It seemed God was continuing to proclaim that the rapture was coming. And the proclamation continued to be connected to the sign on 9-23-17. 

For one thing, the gap was meaningful. It was 307 days between the Revelation 12 sign on 9-23-17 and the blood moon on 07-27-2018. And Strongs Greek word #307 was “anibibazo” which means “to make go up” or “I draw up, as a net to shore”. So that idea is very easily understood to hint at “rapture” because at the rapture, Jesus will draw up those who belong to Him.

#307 = “I draw up, as a net to shore”. 

Secondly, that blood moon was 103 minutes of totality. And Strongs Hebrew word #103 is “agar” or “to gather”. And Strongs Greek word #103 is “ado” = “to sing”. And the rapture will be the gathering of the church to glory to be taken to the place Christ has prepared, John 14. There the gathered ones will be part of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. That will be a huge “banquet” for the bride of Christ. They will sing “glory to the Lamb” and be with Him for eternity. 

#103 = “to gather” / “to sing”

Blood Moons before and after the Revelation 12 Sign all proclaiming together with Strongs concordance that the rapture is coming. Jesus will appear in the clouds for His own and snatch them away. No one knows the day of the hour, but these signs are coming to indicate that it will be soon. 

And the Signs kept coming - all with one beautiful message - proclaiming the soon to come resurrection and rapture.

The Feast of Trumpets is often spoken of as a possible rapture day. It was called the Feast that “no one knew the day or hour”, and the rapture is clearly associated with trumpets in the Bible, I Thess 4:16-17, I Corinthians 15:52. 

From the Revelation 12 Sign to the Feast of Trumpets 2018 was 353 days. That is from 9-23-17 to 9-11-18 was 353 days. And Strongs Greek word 353 is “analambano” = “I take up, raise, take on board. I carry off, lead away”. 

#353 = “I take up, raise, take on board. I carry off, lead away”. 

What other word could possibly describe the rapture better than that? Wow! But there is more. And the picture is a beautiful tapestry of God proclaiming from the sky that the rapture is coming. 

From the Revelation 12 Sign to the beginning of the Day of Atonement, 2018, was 360 days. That is from 9-23-17 to 09-18-2018 was 360 days. And Strongs Greek word 360 is “analuo” - “I unloose, unloose for departure”. 

#360 = “I unloose, unloose for departure”. 

From the Revelation 12 sign to the Feast of Tabernacles 2018 was 365 days. That is from 09-23-17 to 09-23-18 is 365 days. And Strongs Greek word #365 is “ananeoo” - “I renew, am renewed, going up to a higher stage by God’s power”. 
From the Revelation 12 sign to the end of the Feast of Tabernacles 2018 is 372 days. That is from 09-23-17 to 09-30-18 is 372 days. And Strongs Greek word #372 is “anapausis” meaning “rest, cessation from labor”. 

It has already been shown that the Great American Eclipse 08-21-17 was connected to the proclamation of rapture in that it was related to Luke 21:25 and Hurricane Harvey as well as to #33… Strongs #33 “Come” = a command to come. 

#33 “Come” = a command to come

From the Great American Eclipse to the Feast of Trumpets 2018 was 386 days. That is from 08-21-17 to 09-11-18 was 386 days. Strongs Greek word #386 is “anastasis: a standing up, i.e. a resurrection, a raising up, rising


From the Great American Solar Eclipse to the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles, 2018 was 398 days. That is from 08-21-17 to 09-23-18 was 398 days. And Strongs Greek word #398 is “anaphaino” - “to bring to light, make to appear, I appear (as it were out of the unseen). 

Then from the Great American Solar Eclipse to the first full day of the Feast of Tabernacles, 2018 was 399 days. That is from 08-21-17 to 09-24-18 was 399 days. And Strongs Greek word #399 is “anaphero” - “to carry up, lead up”.

So if we put the two phrases together…

398 / 399 = “I appear out of the unseen to carry up” 

And From the Great American Eclipse 2017 to “Tu B’Av, the Jewish Valentines Day in 2019 was 726 days. That is from 08-21-2017 to 08-16-2019 (counting the end date) was 726 days. And Strongs Greek word #726 is harpatzo - rapture…as we have already seen.  

Strongs Hebrew word 2020 = Deliverance - used only one time - and thought we did not have the rapture in 2020, it did become clear in 2020 that we would need to be delivered from the schemes of the evil one.

For those who have been tempted to doubt that there would be a rapture, take note of what Jesus told Thomas, “stop doubting and believe”. The signs are abundant. 

“when you see these things BEGIN to come to pass, look up, lift up your head, your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:28. 

God is proclaiming from the SKY that the rapture is coming.