Mary Adams (23 Feb 2020)
"A Word from Mary"

About a week ago I had a dream.  In this dream, I was outdoors and among a huge crowd listening to a big-time preacher.  But he never mentioned Jesus nor tried to get anyone saved.  So I left and walked up a hill.  I suddenly needed to use a bathroom and saw an old-time outhouse was there.  I went inside and took care of business.  Suddenly, someone was furiously pounding on the door.  I finished my purpose and then opened the door.  There stood that same preacher in a panic.  He berated me, ‘Why did you take so long---I need to go!”  (In a spiritual sense, he had a lot of things needing flushed out of his life).
Then I looked to my left, and I saw a big white yacht lying on its side as if washed aside on the beach by a tsunami.  The ocean it was on was coming from the Pacific area around China and Asia.
That was the dream.  So I
began to inquire of the Lord for an interpretation and I am afraid that this dream I had recently (about the yacht washed ashore) is something I am thinking is about is blossoming worldwide.  As I interpret, it indicated to me that a “tsunami” of economic trouble is now hitting and will affect on a worldwide scale. The virus has already hit China and other countries big time,  and is beginning to affect us here in USA.  The virus is spreading rapidly,causing businesses to shut down, workers laid off. And I read just this morning, even the director of a hospital over there has died of it this morning.  The resulting fear of this virus is shutting down businesses on a massive scale in China, and is now causing repercussions worldwide.  Myself, I see that dream of the yacht as something only the rich could afford, so they would be the
ones hit the hardest economically, but the poor would also suffer from the tsunami wave with layoffs and loss of income.
An ugly truth is now exposed people to panic: Most Americans that are relying upon SS and other retirement incomes are finding out that those funds have been used secretly to invest in Chinese businesses overseas that are now declaring bankruptcy.  Apple, WMart, etc
. Layoffs are in the thousands.   Boeing, Walmart & Apple are in trouble.  Air traffic worldwide cannot function.
I re-read the prophecy of Jonathan Chan and am keeping up with it because his messages concerned the predicted collapse of the stock markets and big layoffs to hit worldwide.  Especially do I see it as to be expected in countries persecuting Christianity.  We sometimes like to be called a Christian nation, but so was China at one time.  Having been there twice, I know personally how persecuted believers there (especially in those neighboring Communists countries) are underground, and we can see how judgement is first beginning against the churches as people flee what is happening here.We are totally unprepared and  living in a prosperity “dreamworld”.  We see what is happening with the Democratic party and its debate candidates: one is married to a same=sex partner, another offers
socialism, and another  far-left Hillary Clinton as his running mate.  The Boy Scouts of America has also filed for Bankruptcy due to sexual misconducts.
How to prepare for what this tsunami will do and IS doing?  The ONLY way is to have a firm grip with the hands of our Lord.  He will take us through every storm if we just will TRUST and OBEY. I hesitated to send you something which might cause some to become very fearful and even knowing efforts will probably fall on ears full of ear wax.  But to NOT OBEY is far more dangerous.  “If my people, called by my name shall humble themselves and pray...” (2 Chron 7:14) This is our answer.  Not just a light dusting, but a fervent, believing one.  Repentance means to turn from our wickedness.  God is trying to get our attention, folks! Don’t depend on who is our president or what program we can depend on. We have a generation that has never tasted depression or anything like it.
Be grateful and thankful to our Lord...lean on His everlasting love and care for His people.  But if you look on these words as foolish babbling: Visit the outhouse, beloved. (repent) and find your peace in Jesus.
I urge you to read “The Oracle” or you can find some TV ministry on CBN where he frequently speaks.  He is a Jewish rabbi converted Christian---a prophet for our day.
Feel free to share this with others as the Lord would have you to do.  If you do not want future emails contact me:  or if you have heard from the Lord and want to share it.
Mary Adams