Leo Tavares  (23 Feb 2020)

 Grace, Peace and Blessings to the body of 1480,

This is Leo from the Mathematical Monotheism website. I just wanted to inform everyone that I also have another site where I share a large body of other finds I have made on Biblical Numerics.

The evidence I have uncovered is simply overwhelming. Please read the articles yourself, as there is way too much to go into here. One quick example I found is the fact that the 2368th Semiprime number (2368 being the numerical identity of Jesus Christ) accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (T73) when a Trapezium is formed in accordance with its Semiprime Factors (with Semiprimes being the product of two Primes)!

2368th Semiprime number = 79 × 113

• Trapezium with 79 rows and an EXACT average of 113 counters per row accommodates T73

You can check out my website here : https://sites.google.com/site/alphagematria/

 Battalion Of Christ,

Leo Tavares (aka Bini aka I Am Gematria)