Please do not quote or use the words of Jesus Himself on this forum lest you be labeled a rabid Jew hating anti-semite..... a wolf in sheep's clothing......and a voice that must be shunned, driven out at all costs and reported to the Jewish anti-defamation league. Wow!! all that for simply quoting Jesus. Did not Jesus say ...”and you will be hated for My names sake”.......or for quoting Me?
Lets review what happened here..........
I wrote a post recently concerning what Jesus himself had to say about the “Jewish leaders” of His time, in Jesus's own words, found in the wording around Matthew 3:7, Matthew 12:34 and Matthew 23:33.
I also highlighted what Jesus had to say again.... in His own words.... about what the “Jewish leaders” would be like in this present era of time (that we live in) as Jesus expressed in Revelation 2:8-9 and Revelation 3:8-9.
In that post to 5Doves here...
I clearly highlighted in italics and bold print no less that eight times …....and made every effort to impress upon the readers, that I was talking about the “Jewish leaders” of both of these era's of time and not the Jewish race in general........just like Jesus did in Matthew and in Revelation.
And in that post I clearly stated that I certainly do not hate or have any animosity toward Jewish people...... and I stated that I believe we need to pray for them as well as all mankind.
Apparently this effort and my verbiage in that post on behalf of Judaism, and the Jewish race was for naught or was unclear......Why do I say that?
I say that because....... the broad tainted brush of a fellow 5Dover who can freely give criticism but cannot except a single word........again paints me somehow as a rabid anti-semite and a delusional “flat earther”. Paints me as a Jew hating scourge upon the earth..... upon the 5Doves site...... and someone who must be driven out and shunned at all costs.
So much for free speech and for quoting Jesus.....double wow ?? !!!
Jesus said...... that the Jewish religious leaders of His time 2000 years ago and the Jewish leaders of this present era we live in were and will be a brood of vipers and from the synagogue of Satan. Does that not mean that these leaders.... did then... and will now again be walking in lock step with Satan.....are from the house of Satan....have somehow pledged allegiance to Satan???
Jesus certainly believed so and strongly expressed that thought Himself in multiple areas of scripture.
Take note.... that John the Revelator in Revelation 2:8-9 and 3:8-9 made specific references that it was not he himself (John) who was making the anti Jewish statements there in these verses..... but it was Jesus Himself.
John made very clear there in chapter 2 who was directing that anti Jewish verbiage when he, John said........ “These things says (are being said by) the First and the Last, who was dead and came to life”........meaning Jesus Himself talking
Then is chapter 3 where these “false” Jewish leaders were again condemned for their lies and their connection to the synagogue of Satan....... Again there, John went out of his way to express that it was Jesus making the anti Jewish comments and not he, John. There in chapter 3 it is scripted by John for Jesus as such....
“These things says (are being said by) He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”.......again, these comments being made by Jesus Himself.
Did Jesus not say in Revelation 3 when addressing the Philadelphia Christian church that the Jewish leaders of that era....our present time....would be liars from the synagogue of Satan and would be forced by Jesus Himself at a latter time to gravel and worship at the feet of these Christians??? Yes...clearly stated there with no ambiguity.
But please don't express those same thoughts or echo what Jesus Himself expressed or you will suddenly find multiple very sinister labels attached to yourself........ and your name with be given to agencies and other Jewish leaders who are without a doubt the ones Jesus calls liars from the synagogue of Satan so that they can harass you. Harass you for? For simply quoting the bible and more specifically Jesus's own words.
I've been on the 5Doves site for well over 20 years and don't ever remember anyone advocating that another 5Dover being shunned and repulsed and driven out of the site for quoting the exact words of our Savior.......third wow!!!
If I had taken our Savior's words out of context I could understand but that certainly is not what happened here........ but what is happening here is sad and sinister.
In my now controversial post from last week I tried to make the 5Doves community aware of what the modern day Jewish leaders are up to. Leaders who Jesus Himself declares.....are not Jews (Revelation 3:9) Jesus says there that these people proclaim that they are Jews but are not.....Jesus says they lie.... and He says that they are, in all reality........ from the synagogue of Satan. I guess you could say they are Satanic converts masquerading themselves as Jews.
So to condone and support what these false Jews are up to here in America and in Israel itself is..... I believe..... very repulsive in Jesus's eyes. Again we are talking about these false Jews and not true Jews......obviously Jesus makes clear that distinction......and so did I......but others appear to be condemning both of us. Condemn me if you want but I would shudder to think about condemning what Jesus said on all of this.
Again, you can refute our Lord and Savior's words from the bible, His warnings or try to skew (change) those words to meet your needs or your agenda........but I would strongly warn against that. Why?
Something again that Jesus said in Matthew 12 and in Revelation 22. There in Matthew Jesus said …..”Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven men”.......
Who wrote the bible? Men directly under the influence of the Holy Spirit. So in my mind the wording and context of the bible was scripted by the Holy Spirit.
Again, in my mind, to change the wording or the meaning expressed by the Holy try to alter, water down, twist or manipulate that wording would in my mind be blasphemy against the Spirit.........a crime that Jesus says will not be forgiven. Jesus even says that blasphemy against Himself will be forgiven but not against the Holy Spirit and the wording of the bible.
This circumstance seems to be echoed in the Book of Revelation for in chapter 22 God says...... “if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book”.......
In addition to what I wrote last week concerning what these false Jewish leaders were up to, I would also like to share and give you a heads up on another large piece of the end times puzzle which appears to be directly tied to these false Jews and from the antichrist's coming playbook.
What's that?
Two former members of the Israeli intelligence services started their own software company called NSO. The software they developed can access and infect all smart phones and most any other form of computer technology.
The software is called Pegasus and is primarily sold to governments. It is used to play “big brother” by these governments to monitor all communications. This software was designed and has found a way to “back door” most all computer technologies, phones, etc.
It's believed that through this software all the major tech companies have been breached which include Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft. Any and all information is now at the hands of the people who control this software.
As I stated last week I can only wonder the magnitude of blackmail, lies and deceit that is going on when secrets are not secrets anymore. Personal secrets, military secrets, industrial secrets......pretty much you name it they have it and use it to broker power.
Obviously this software is the tool necessary for the antichrist's team to rule and reign during the 7 year tribulation period. The software is here and I believe the antichrist is standing in the wings waiting to be introduced on the world stage. If that's the case then the two end time witnesses are also near in their arrival.
Blessings Doves........John B
PS... I keep getting my biblical beliefs rubbed in my face as if they are complete falsehoods (like my text above about false Jews).
Another one of my fiercely challenged biblical beliefs is agreeing with what scripture has to say about the earth and how the earth was and is created. By taking the scores of references within the bible itself which point to the structure of earth and what surrounds it and then believing what God has proclaimed there........ those beliefs somehow makes me and many of us “flat-earthers”. We are then mocked, discredited, slandered and belittled as idiots......idiots with no common sense and absolutely no grasp on reality.
As a 70 year old retired electrical engineer who made a living thinking logically and distinctly and critically.......less I or the co-workers I was responsible for could have / would have been electrocuted years, I take great exception to being tagged or viewed under that condemning light.
Again as I stated in my above text, to discount, alter, change or skew God's word to me is a very serious offense. And that also goes for the myriad of descriptions within the bible as to how earth and the heavens are arranged. And those descriptions certainly don't agree with what the rulers of “science” in this world have told us.
Again believe who you will......I choose to believe God and the scriptures but to do so invites all manors of belittlement and persecution.
As I end this let me just leave you with a few conundrums for you to ponder on as to..... which are true??????
Are the biblical God given truths reality....... or are the “earthly truths” from he who controls earth (Matthew 4:8)..... Satan.....the true reality??
Just a couple of examples of these earthly truths.......
They say we live on a circular rotating ball with a curvature of 8 inches per mile squared which means all the water in the oceans is not level, it's curved....... or what they are telling us is that water really does not seek its own level. Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that water will not seek it's own level??
They tell us that this round earth ball we are on is spinning constantly at over a 1000 mph. Do you have any grasp or appreciation as to how fast that is? There is no way water (the oceans) would stay on anything at that speed....especially a round ball. The average person would be sea-sick on a merry-go-round at a constant 20mph and vomiting on the ground but everyone seems to be quite content with believing that Satan's earthly merry-go-round is spinning at 1000mph and we don't even feel it......not a hair out of place.
If the earth was spinning at 1000mph all a plane would have to do it take off, then hover in that spot and wait for the revolving earth below to bring you your destination (if it was in the direction of the rotation)
If the plane was going in the other direction you would never get there unless you were flying a plane that travels faster than 1000mph.
Many of you may have a globe in your den that you use for geographic reference. It's a miniature representation / scale model of what “they” say is the earth. Now imagine someone spinning that scale model globe at over a thousand miles per hour. Number one it would tear itself apart and number two if any loose impediment or water was on the surface it would be sheared off way way before reaching 1000 mph.
1000mph is the same on a small globe / scale model as on a large globe as they say the earth is. I invite you to go spin your globe at even a small fraction of that speed and see what happens......Jesus tried to warn us in multiple passages of scripture about the great deception / deceptions that we would face but obviously few listened or heeded His warnings.
I get sea sick on a floating restaurant so don't tell me we are spinning at over a 1000mph.....that's an insane presumption.
How could you ever have a calm / windless day if the earth was spinning at mach 2 or basically at the top speed of our fastest fighter jets. Would not the atmosphere / air surrounding the earth be propelled / sucked along and then ripped off at just a fraction of that speed ? Of course it would
When is the last time you saw the full moon break the horizon on a clear night then looked up and actually saw and admired the craters there on its surface. Beautiful sight isn't it? But that's not really what you were are not seeing the moon or it's can't be..... because “Satan's science team” maintains and teaches that the moon is 245,000 miles away from earth.
If so.... there is no possible way the human eye can see that far..... you must be looking at some sort of mirage......certainly not the moon.☺
The next time you visit your eye doctor tell him or her that you can not only see the first line of letters on the Motor Vehicle test line (when you get your drivers license) but that you can also see clearly an object 245,000 miles away. Your optician may give you a very funny confused look.
Now put that same Motor Vehicle chart a football field away and read can't......gee, but you just told me you can clearly see something (as per Satan science) 245,000 miles away.
And don't forget the per Satan science it's 93,000,000 miles away or 400 times farther away than the moon......... and of course you have no problem focusing on that red ball just up there in the sky. Gee isn't Satan science incredible. And then there's the rays of the sun that you see coming through the clouds......and of course these rays generated 93 million miles away are still intact (haven't defused from all that distance) got to love that Satan science.
Truth being known...... a human if taken up on a high mountain on a supper clear day would only be able to focus on an object maybe 100 miles away which I believe is the extent of the capabilities of the human eye.
What does that mean? That means that the sun and the moon are at those approximate distances above our heads just as God indicated they were. This would then make the “rays” of the sun sensible.
And if you go on vacation to the beach be sure to watch the boats as they go out of sight and over the loose site of them as the curvature of the earth comes into know as per “Satan science”......8 inches per mile squared and all that stuff.
But let me tell you a little secret.....when you lose site of that boat that you thought just went over the horizon.....just pull out your binoculars and presto there's the boat. When you lose site of it again while watching it through your binoculars and assume it now has gone over the horizon just pull out your telescope and presto there's the boat. When you lose site of it again just keep increasing the magnification and presto there's your boat floating on water......water that always seeks it's own level.
To reinforce this, the Chinese built a bridge across a great expanse of ocean.......well over a hundred miles. With “Satan science” and the curvature of the earth the engineers would have had to factor in miles of curvature into it's construction and engineering but guess what...... they built it flat and level and guess what again.......none of it is underwater due to curvature of the earth. That shouldn't be possible as per “Satan science”.
Water always seeks it's own level no matter how large the container.....that's just common sense....... except when one uses “Satan science”.
These are only a few examples of the hundreds that could be posted blowing the lid off “Satan science”.
My last and most important thought would be to believe scripture and discount these people who are embracing and pushing “Satan science”.
God's going to ask you some day why you chose to discount His science, His words and explanations that He gave us in scripture.
I suspect He'll want to know why we even discounted and would not believe our own eyes and our own common sense........ all to embrace the lies from the father of lies.
The extreme deception and the accepting of this deception that we live under here on this “flat earth” is way beyond sad or pathetic.........gee I got a's demonic.