Fay (9 Feb 2020)
"Coronavirus Fears - Another Angle."


It's difficult to separate truth from fiction nowadays. The media are so full of hype. I remember all the fear mongering stories about Brexit in all the British newspapers. The sky was literally going to fall on our heads if we left the EU. I exaggerate not. 3 years after the referendum when Brexit has now actually happened - blow me down - the sky hasn't fallen!

A friend of mine works in robotics at a major car manufacturer in England. A very clever chap. This major car manufacturer had begun preparing for Brexit from Day One. They KNEW that Brexit was a certainty and had begun preparing. This small fact was hidden from the general public and we were subjected to 3.5 years of total BS fear mongering before the proponents of staying in the EU threw in the towel and admitted defeat. Now, it's all just a matter of re-arranging stuff. Sorting out border controls etc. It's a nuisance - but do-able.

The Coronavirus is a whole other story. Our friend is worried - which he never was over Brexit. This major car manufacturer - like 99.9% of ALL manufacturers, all over the world - use China for a myriad of parts. They out- source the making of these parts and, China - being the "sweatshop" nation of the world, is the provider of these integral parts. Our UK robotics friend is now worried. As is the entire manufacturing plant.

I can sweep away media hyperbole but I cannot sweep away the reality of a major manufacturer scrambling to make a desperate Plan B.  This alone,makes it all very real and alarming. The subject is "where do we out-source from here?" The whole of Asia seems to be out of the equation. Even India, who is another "sweatshop" nation. The alternatives have been narrowed down to Africa or South America. They have cheap labour in abundance. The world needs another "sweatshop" to produce stuff. Otherwise, everything will become unaffordable. How bizarre is all of this? Big business is in a bit of a panic. The human cost is terrifying. This must be our event horizon. Surely?

This Cornovirus is very real and very scary.

PLEASE come, LORD Jesus.