Fay (2 Feb 2020)
"Further Important Information"

The more one looks into this, the more insane it becomes. It seems that die-hard conspiracy theorists like Rick Wiles do have a tendency to keep painting themselves as a victim. This happens whenever they are confronted with their own lies. They cry "foul" and exaggerate they have been called names and "vilified". John B followed this method when he said I had labelled him "foolish" for watching TruNews. I did no such thing. Lol.  If anything, I gave John B credit for being a child of God (this despite the fact he believes in a flat earth). I figured this belief does not mean one is not a believer in Christ. The fact that I diminished the veracity of TruNews is what enraged John B this time. John B still hasn't forgiven me for actually seeing, with my own eyes on a flight on Concorde, that our earth is round. Much like all the other planets. And ...NO...the concave window theory does not hold water. The airports, buildings and cities did not look "round" when viewing them from Concorde. But - the earth did!!

Here are some very illuminating articles regarding Rick Wiles. TruNews founder. They are short and will armour you with the information you need.

Rick Wiles, please stop lying. I called you an anti-Semite, not a neo-Nazi

Rick Wiles

Rick Wiles - RationalWiki