Elliot Hong (23 Feb 2020)
"2 Scenarios"

Dear Doves:

According to Matthew chapter 25, the midnight cry will be made first, and there will be a short time until the door to
the wedding banquet is shut as the Bridegroom arrives.
This short time is the duration that all those virgins wake up, trim their lamps and 5 foolish virgins go out to buy oil.
But no one knows how long this short time will be in reality.
It could be one week at the maximum.
Based on this assumption, I can think of 2 possible scenarios.

1) The midnight cry will be made on the new moon of the 12th month, Adar which is 2/25-26.
     We all know the importance of new moon as it's written in Colossians 2:16-17.
     Then the door is closed on Adar 6/7.
     When Rev. Billy Graham died 2 years ago, it was Adar 6/7.
     2 means Separation and Division.
     Moses died on Adar 7 at the age of 120.
     120 is the number representing the Church Age.
     And after the death of Moses, the baton of the leadership was passed on to Joshua to lead the Israelites to Canaan.
     Joshua is the type of Jesus.

2) The midnight cry will be made on Adar 6/7, then the door is closed on Purim. 
     The funeral for Rev. Billy Graham was held on Purim.
     This coming Purim is 10 years from the 8.8 Concepcion earthquake which occurred on Purim, 2010.
     10 means Completion of Cycle.
     Also this coming Shushan Purim on 3/11 is 9 years from the great earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
     9 represents Human Gestation and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.
     It's 44 days from the announcement of the Trump's peace plan to this Shushan Purim.
     44 means Death and Destruction, and O is the 44th President.

Again, this is just my opinion.