Dear Doves:
To me, the miraculous game of Tim Tebow on 1/8/12 was the definite sign.He won the game in 11 seconds of Sudden Death by throwing 80 yards to 88.11 means Judgment.8 means New Birth and New Beginning.And Sudden Death could be compared to Sudden Destruction of 1 Thessalonians 5:3.By the excluding count, it's 8 years and 24(8+8+8)days from 1/8/12 to this Super Bowl on 2/2/20.
Byron Searle received the message on 12/3/19, and there was an interesting passage in it."2020 will start with a bang and end with a boom!"Then according to the message he received on 1/20/20, it said "The Bang has happened-The Boom will come!"Thus the Bang should be the attack to kill Soleimani who was a type of Haman.And I felt that it was a set up by NWO to carry out a false flag operation later.It's 30 days from the death of Soleimani on 1/3 to this Super Bowl on 2/2.And 30 days fit to thirty days that Esther was not called to go to the king.When Mordecai persuaded Esther to save the Jews, she replied as below:"I will fast for three days, I will go to the king. And if I perish, I perish."If the Boom occurs in 30 days from the Bang, three days for fasting are February 2,3,4 which fit to $2.34.And 2/4 happens to be the third day, the wedding day at Cana.
The 54th Super Bowl is held after 5 days from the Day that Trump revealed the Peace Plan.5 means Grace.Could it mean that the Age of Grace is over on 2/2?If "The Fiery Kick Off Event" occurs on 2/2, the life as we know is over, and 2020 will end with a Boom.5+4 is 9 and 9 represents the Human Gestation and the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.