Readers -
In my other new post here about Daniel and the "To & Fro" prophecy out of Daniel 12:4, I showed evidence for what I'm beginning to believe is a repeatable formula; a way to navigate Bible numbers with predictable results on a regular basis. You should read that short post first.
The formula I used in that instance was:
Highest prime factor of the Bible verse number is used as the value for the Strong's Hebrew number yielding predicted results.
Here is another version of that involving Enoch, using not the Bible verse number he appears in, but his name's gematria values.
Enoch's greek gematria value = 1455.
1455 = 97 x 5 x 3
Thus, the highest prime factor = 97
Strong's Hebrew 97 = "Eglaim" (used once)
Eglaim = "double reservoir" 1) the name of a town in Moab
Strong's 97 Hebrew Eglaim as a gematria value of 84 !
Enoch's Hebrew name value = 84 !
(That's Strong's 2585 Hebrew to verify)
Highest prime factor of greek name gematria --> Strong's Hebrew number -->Hebrew name gematria
This also ties Enoch to the concept of the "Double"
(see Jude 1, late autumn trees double-dead, plucked up by the roots")
Jesus is Lord!