Chance (23 Feb 2020)
"Reeling From COVID-19 And Now Locust! And The Chinese Apocalypse"

Hello John and Doves,

One Biblical plague on top of another!  It's just not letting up!

"Swarms of desert locusts have devastated crops in East Africa, hit the Middle East and moved into South East Asia.  They're breeding fast thanks to changes in global climate patterns that have brought about major cyclones and heavy rains, and they are feeding off human food supplies across continents."

This article is about 360 Billion locusts! "Swarms can be city-sized, and one of the largest - located in Kenya - covers about 36 miles by 25 miles.  It is so dense that it turns daylight to darkness for everyone caught within."

:Alarmist headlines are proliferating, too, many of them drawing parallels with the plagues of scripture.  "Bible coming to life?" asked the Jerusalem Post. ...In the New Testament locusts are associated with Revelation 9:3, where they emerge in ferocious swarms that also have the sting of scorpions....the real life potential for disaster is huge.  A square mile of a swarm can be formed by up to 210 million locusts, which can eat as much food as 90,000 people in a day."
After Coronavirus, Locusts Could be the Next Plague to Hit China

The Jerusalem Post is reporting this plague of locusts could multiple 400 fold by June!
Bible coming to life? Locusts 'plague' Middle East, Asia, Africa - The Jerusalem Post

And now Pakistan has declared a national emergency over the locusts; destroying 40% of the crops
Pakistan declares national emergency over locust swarms - Pakistan | ReliefWeb

The locust swarm has now hit China!  Chine is preparing for a "potential emergency as 400 billion locusts are approaching China from the Indian-Pakistan border.
‘Duck Troops’ at Chinese Border to Face Plague-of-Egypt-Like Locust Invasion Bewilders Netizens - Sputnik International

China is gathering thousands of ducks at the border to chow down on the locusts.  And bird flu can infect ducks!  China is currently fighting bird flu in chickens near the Wuhan coronavirus epicenter.  .
Deadly bird flu found in chickens near center of coronavirus outbreak - Business Insider

Nobody dares ask what could possibly happen next?

Locusts eat human consumable food, causing famines.  The U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization (UNFOA) has said that left unchecked the swarms will continue to spread with 'horrendous consequences'.

'Most devastating plague of locusts' in recent history could come within weeks, U.N. warns." February 9, 2020
Somalia has declared this outbreak a national emergency. As predicted the nymphs developed wings and flew off to neighboring countries.  Now they are threatening China.   This locust outbreak has now become a plague.  The U.N. is worried that higher than normal moisture this year (the risk of more cyclones) can lead to another generation of locusts...producing further locust outbreaks.

In my search on locust in China I came across this article in The American Thinker:  The China Apocalypse
February 22, 2020.

Here is info on the author:

"Rod Dreher is a senior editor at The American Conservative. He has written and edited for the New York PostThe Dallas Morning NewsNational Review, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, the Washington Times, and the Baton Rouge Advocate. Rod’s commentary has been published in The Wall Street JournalCommentary, the Weekly Standard, Beliefnet, and Real Simple, among other publications, and he has appeared on NPR, ABC News, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and the BBC."

The author writes about life in quarantine in China of a family member due to the coronavirus  - chilling.

He also writes about a Chinese prophecy in the "Ancient Internal Bible" written by a Buddhist monk in the early 20th century.  It is about the year 2020, a plague that spread through China and the world, vast clouds of locusts, extreme flooding.

Anyway...the link is here for your perusal.
The China Apocalypse | The American Conservative

Things seem to be on a crescendo to late spring/early summer.  We have the Spring High Holy Days coming up in April.  Maybe the Tribulation will start during that time period just before things really get reeling!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

