Chance (23 Feb 2020)
"Self-Quarantine in America and Prepare Now"


Hello John and Doves,

"The California Department of Public Health said Friday, 2/21, that 7,600 people have been urged to self-quarantine:  stay home, monitor their health and limit interaction with other people....The self-quarantine directive applies to travelers returning to the U.S. on or after February 2."  They've been asked to stay home for the rest of the month.

In the same article "The CDC said it is not tracking how many people from each U.S. state who have returned from China have been asked to isolate themselves.  Federal officials share passenger details with states, who pass that information on to local health agencies.  All those returning are advised to follow CDC recommendations to prevent possible transmission, the state agency said."
California Tells 7,600 People To Self-Quarantine Over Concern Of Coronavirus Spread – CBS San Francisco

We all know most people don't have enough food in their homes to deal with a 3 day weather emergency, let alone a one, two or three week quarantine!  Most are probably out in public at the coffee shops, pubs and McDonald's! 

In general, self-quarantine does not work here.  China, yes - being a communist controlled country.  But not here in the U.S.  North Korea announced last week that they shot a man for violating his quarantine!  That's how serious NK is taking this threat!

The MSM is busy reporting on the Democrat caucus and President Trump's latest tweets to let Americans know this needs to be taken seriously.

If the news isn't taking this seriously, the public won't either!  And the reporting on this virus in the U.S. is being controlled by the CDC.  So the CDC is in control of telling us how serious this is.

"People are not sticking to U.S. Quarantines'  "There is growing concern that the U.S. government is not prepared to tackle a pandemic outbreak.  In fact, the supposed quarantines put in place by the CDC seem to be an outright joke."    CDC Preparing for Possibility of Coronavirus Pandemic Spread inside the United States

Italy has a particularly nasty outbreak going on and they have announced they will consider using police and army to enforce their quarantine and companies will be shut down in infected area. They have closed schools, offices and public spaces in northern Italy.  One region in Italy has declared a state of emergency until July!

The CDC has issued Level 2 (Practice Enhanced Precaustions) Travel notices for Japan and S. Korea due to sustained community transmission of COVID-19.

And the CDC is not publicly testing for community transmission here - they only test people who have come back from China and people directly exposed to positive people.  In the United States, the positive number hasn't increased since a week ago!  That's impossible.  CDC is  not reporting the new cases.

"You will likely not know until it's too late!"  "In all likelihood if a pandemic outbreak occurs, you will not know or be told until it's too late to government is going to admit how bad it is until they absolutely have to...Once the media and the government admit there is a pandemic, all hell is going to break loose among the unprepared masses...look up videos from Wuhan, you're not going to like what you see!  We urge you to at least have 2-3 week supply of food and water on hand to be able to sustain a scenario like what we are seeing in China.  I would also urge you to read our article on Pandemics and How to Prepare for a Pandemic Outbreak."
CDC Preparing for Possibility of Coronavirus Pandemic Spread inside the United States

"A look at Pandemics and How to Prepare for a Pandemic Outbreak"
Pandemic Outbreaks: How and When to Prepare for a Pandemic

There is lots of good advice out there on how to best you can.  Stock up on OTC medicines as we get most form China and they'll be running out; stock up on disinfectants, gloves, masks, etc.
Maybe the coronavirus pandemic will be the way no country helps Israel in the Gog war! Soldiers will become incapacitated due to illness.  (Remember how badly our soldiers were hit by Spanish Flu in WW1!!  And it spread through other countries' armies - millions were infected and died.)  It's already spreading through our military in South Korea...and the positive Americans from Wuhan, China, and the Princess cruise ship are being quarantined on many military bases.  I find that dangerous, unconscionable, and appalling!  Our marines were given a directive on quarantine last week - see my Doves letter on that info, so it's probably spreading through our military here.

IF this coronavirus is discovered to be a man-made bioweapon, (which many experts now believe to be the case), these experts know that bioweapons don't have to have a high mortality rate, they just need to spread quickly and incapacitate.  To weaponize, they need it to spread maximally and incapacitate...then whomever released the weapon can kill by other means.  Bioweapons scientists do research on contagion and not so much lethality.

I am sure over the next days, weeks, we will see much, much more shocking and disheartening news as the world reels from this outbreak!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!



BNO news has a "Tracking coronavirus:  Map, data and timeline" for the world.  Very helpful in keeping track of this virus.
Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline - BNO News