There are 97 leap years and 303 normal years in one 400-year Gregorian calendar cycle. 400 is the gematria of 'Tav' which is the last letter of the original 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Ottoman Turks took control of Jerusalem in 1517 and held it for 400 years until 1917 (the year JFK was born).
I discovered a perfectly symmetrical pattern created with 400 circles. Each circle represents one orbit of the Earth around the Sun. When the total circumference around these 400 circles equals the 146,097 days in one 400-year Gregorian calendar cycle then the circumference of the outermost circle is 6801. 6801 equals: 400 plus the gematria of Genesis 1:1 (2701) plus the total gematria of the twelve tribe names on the Breastplate in Exodus (3700). 9 of the tribe name gematrias on the Breastplate total 2701. The remaining 3 tribe names form a diagonal line and have a total gematria of 999. 6801 plus 999 equals the sum of the current Gregorian and Jewish years (2020 + 5780). The last day of 5780 is September 18th of 2020. The month and day are 9.18. 18 equals 9 + 9, so that date could be represented by: 9.9+9.
6801 also equals the gematria of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ plus the 260 New Testament chapters plus the ASCII code sum for ‘John Fitzgerald Kennedy’ (2153) plus 2020. 6801 minus the sum of all 260 New Testament chapter numbers (2361) equals 4440 which equals: 5 x 888 (the gematria of ‘JESUS’) or 3 x 1480 (the gematria of ‘CHRIST’).
The total diameter of all 400 circles equals 580 x the smallest circle diameter. 580 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Barack’. When the one-degree area of a circle equals the circles circumference then the diameter is the 1440 minutes in a day. I call this the ‘Circle of Time’. The diameter of each of the seven circles that fit perfectly within this ‘Circle of Time’ is 480. 480 is the sum of the ASCII codes for ‘Obama’.
Within the outermost circle of this diagram of 400 circles are seven symmetrical patterns each comprised of 57 circles. This set of 57 circles is based upon this pattern: seven circles of equal diameter will all touch with a circle encompassing them. Take seven of these sets of eight circles and place them within a circle that encompasses them and you have a total of 57 circles: 49 small inner circles, 7 middle sized circles and 1 final large outer circle. This 02.22.20 (a palindrome date string and the 288th anniversary of George Washington’s birth) will be exactly 57 years since JFK reestablished the ‘Medal of Freedom’ on 2.22.1963. There are 57 years in three 19-year Jewish calendar cycles.
On 2.4.2020 President Trump gave the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh. This was the first time in U.S. history the Medal of Freedom was given during the President’s State of the Union address.
2.22.1963 to 2.29.2020 'LEAP DAY' will be 57 years plus 7 days. That equals 89 steps of 234 days.
The sum of the uppercase ASCII codes for 'JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY MEDAL OF FREEDOM' equals all 2595 days of the Tribulation.
The title case composite number gematria for 'Rush Hudson Limbaugh' is 888.
The uppercase composite number gematria for 'RUSH HUDSON LIMBAUGH' is 373. 373 is the Greek gematria for 'LOGOS' which is the first occurrence of a word with the gematria of 373 in the New Testament.
888 + 373 = 1261 (day 1 of the second half of the Tribulation?).
The sum of the lower case ASCII codes for 'rush hudson limbaugh' is 1948. Israel was born again on May 14th of 1948. 1948 is the sum of the four points of my 'Prime Cross'.
I will be watching 02.22.20.