Seeker (4 Feb 2018)
"EU states that the US is ESSENTIAL to Mideast Peace"

John and Doves,
The above article reports that the EU Foreign Minister, Federica Mogherini  states:

"Nothing without the US...nothing with the US alone"

During the Great Tribulation, the EU will have global governance with the US broker of the coming Mideast Peace Treaty.
The US broker will be "diverse" from the 10 horns/ toes of Daniel 7: 7, 8, 20, 24
Also Rev. 17: 12, 13.

It's all coming into view.

Also it looks like the Psalm 83 war is nearing

Israel and the US are joining forces against 150,000 Hezbollah missiles (from Lebanon/Syria, backed by Iran) and their 50,000 enemy troops.

Turkey is also aimed at attacking the Kurds on its border with Syria.
Netanyahu has threatened strong retaliation.

When Israel --- by the Grace of God ---wins that war, will Russia and confederates seek to overturn that victory ?
"For when they say, 'Peace and Safety' then sudden destruction cometh upon them....
(those in darkness.)
We are not in darkness. We are children of the Light and of the day.
1 Thessalonians 5: 3-6.

That second war will be the Ezekiel 38, 39 war. Back to back.
Will this be at the time of Purim? ...eve of February 28 and day of March 1.

Those wars, as I see it, are the first 6 trumpets of Revelation 8 and 9. 
And the 7th trumpet is the "Last Trump" ( 1 Corinthians 15: 51,52.) when Rev. 11:15-19 will be fulfilled     ( the Midnight Rapture) .....

"and the time of the dead, that they should be judged"
[who goes, who stays]

"and that Thou shouldst give reward unto Thy servants the prophets
and unto the saints"    [ that's us ..... we go !!!!!
"and them that fear Thy Name, small and great"  ... we all go, saints.
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel,