Randy (4 Feb 2018)
"If the Rapture is not this spring 2018......I am OUT OF ALL IDEAS!!!!"

(Read my 2nd post about WHY THIS SPRING, posted today as well)

I can NOT imagine having to wait for the Rapture any longer than Pentecost in May 2018.

I just can't imagine that......yet, I know......I/we could be wrong about this spring.  But my pray is...Lord, I hope not!!!  I just want this waiting to be over.

The book I have been riveted to since I first found it online around 9 years ago is:

The Divine Calendar.  A Free download at:  http://kabbalahsecrets.com/?page_id=1300

(Hey......how many people have put a book out there for FREE on our favorite subject about Our Messiah's Return? I've seen many books out there for sale over the last 20 years........most are either so loopy or so "generic" that they weren't worth buying!)  

Interestingly.....THIS BOOK, The Divine Calendar is written by a Jew!!  What better insight than that !!

Any way........if we have to wait longer than this Pentecost for the Rapture......I have to admit that:


And that scares me more than a little bit!!  Because.....then.....I would hate to be wrong about this spring!!  And as we all know, we seen hundreds of "dates" come and go watching posts on this website in the last 20 years.  

so.......this spring just makes so much perfect sense to me.....this spring IS.....the PERFECT FIT.

There are a few current event items that are adding to my excitement now:

1) Trump's designation of Jerusalem as Israel's capital sure is timely then, isn't it??  

2) And Trump's push for a New Peace Deal is also timely....especially when he lays blame for no peace by now on those "peace-loving" Palestinians!!!  

3) Nikki Haley at the United Nations.......WOW!!   Ain't she great !!??  And Trump taking money off the table for UNRWA for the Palestinians...NICE!!  GO FOR IT!!!  

4) And the Pope referring to "fake news" as being from the devil?   (Isn't this a last days sign, too?)  WOW!  
ROME—Pope Francis denounced the spread of “fake news” as the divisive work of the devil and called on journalists to serve as “protectors of news” by practicing accuracy and fairness, which he called essential to promoting world peace, It is certainly an interesting year....and it's only January!!! 

Tic Toc....
Anybody else getting excited??

