Randy (4 Feb 2018)
"What Occam's Razor Principle has to say aabout the Rapture this Spring, 2018"

Occam's Razor:  
The principle can be interpreted as stating Among competing hypotheses,

the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

3 Calendar Events CONVERGE between Passover/Easter and Pentecost 2018

ONE:  Israel will turn age 70 during that period of time

TWO:  It is the year 2018 on Calendar we all use.....the Gregorian Calendar.

THREE:  It is the year 5778 on the Hebrew Calendar.  

WHY do these 3 Calendar Events matter???

I been suggesting you read:  The Divine Calendar.  I've been sharing this on Five Doves since I first "found" it online shortly after it was written (I found it around 2010 or so)  It's a FREE download:  http://kabbalahsecrets.com/?page_id=1300    

THIS BOOK, the Divine Calendar tells us EXACTLY WHY the Years 2018, 5778 and when Israel turns age 70 are VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!  

So......Accum's Razor says: 
Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

Well, after reading Five Doves now for about 20 years.........and seeing ALL the Incredible Calculations that have been used to "calculate" the date of the Rapture....

Well......maybe it just comes down to THIS.  And the Divine Calendar says that THIS year, Jewish Year 5778....is really, REALLY Important.....especially as Israel turns age 70......and the incredible "coincidental" overlapping dates in history between Biblical Events in both the Jewish Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar.  

As the author says early in the book...."only God could have done this!"  

Tic Toc kids........

Anybody getting excited???????

We are 9 weeks from Passover/Easter.......and another 7 weeks until Pentecost!!!

