John B (4 Feb 2018)
"RE: Fay......Part 2.....Who is Mystery Babylon?"


Here is part 2 where we discuss Mystery Babylon and the complex information God shared with us in Revelation 17 and 18 exposing all sorts of end time details.

Now, who is Mystery Babylon ??

God through John the Revelator tried to give us a heads up about the Roman Catholic Church when in Revelation 17:5 He refers to this woman who is adorned in purple and scarlet (the primary colors of the Catholic Church) as Mystery Babylon.

God fore knew that the RCC was going to declare aspects of their religion as “a mystery”.  Example..... hundreds of thousands of times a day, day in and day out, in the Catholic churches all over the world mysteries always happen during the celebration of the Catholic Masses or what they call the Eucharist.  In the ceremony of these Masses, Catholic priests daily re-sacrifice Jesus for our sins as if Jesus didn't fully complete His blood sacrifice on the cross. They, the RCC explain it as such in their Catechism that states.....”every time this MYSTERY is celebrated the work of our redemption is carried on”....(1405)

Now Doves, please pause, take a moment and seriously think about this. The RCC through their worldwide daily “sacrifices” of the Mass / Eucharist thumb their noses at Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and declare that it was incomplete. The bible says that....”By one offering He (Jesus) has forever perfected those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14) Yet Catholics declare that.... “every time this MYSTERY (the Eucharist) is celebrated the work of our redemption is carried on”....and on, and on, and on, and on (1405)

Let that sink in and imagine how Jesus must feel. His blood sacrifice on the cross, paid our sin debt in full once and for all ...... only to have the RCC daily re-sacrifice Him on their altars worldwide. In doing so they are basically telling Jesus that His sacrifice was incomplete but they the RCC will pick up His shortcomings and re-sacrifice Him seemingly endlessly until....when??.....I guess that's another mystery.

Also the RCC declares that Mary is the co-redeemer with Jesus....again promoting the premise that Jesus didn't fully redeem us completely on the cross by Himself. (Guess you didn't realize that there were four crosses on Golgotha that holy day....not)

For the RCC catechism teaches that Mary is the sinless co-redeemer.....”Without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person and work of her son, she did so in order to serve the MYSTERY of redemption with Him.....being obedient she became the cause of salvation for herself and the whole human race” (494)  wow! I don’t know why Jesus even bothered.......the whole human race huh??!!

Are you Doves who may not have a solid understanding of the RCC..... starting to get an appreciation of how sick and twisted this theology really is? And the above is only the “Jesus part” of their teachings. There are scores of their other non-biblical teachings that will astound and shock you when you compare them to the pages of Holy Writ.

Take for instance the complete power grab over the people when the RCC declared that the popes were the “Vicar of Christ” on earth. That basically these popes had complete infallibility and were unable to make a mistake when it came to Christian doctrine here on earth. In others words they completely usurped God / Jesus's standing with humanity especially when they took it upon themselves to alter God's Holy Word to fit their evil ways and needs. If this is not a good definition of anti-christs I don't know what one is.

God warned is in Matthew, He said....”Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, I am the Christ, and will deceive many.”

How right Jesus’s statement in Matthew was..... for all of the popes that have ever embraced the title “Vicar of Christ “ have been false Christ’s and have deceived untold billions of people over the centuries.

The other title given to the woman in Revelation 17 besides “Mystery, Babylon the Great” is...The Mother of Harlots and the Abominations of the Earth. I will explain this bizarre title a little later below but first we need to explore the term “woman” who will then become the “mother” of the above title.

So, just prior to this “Mother” title in the text of Revelation 17 John describes this symbolic “woman” who is sitting on a symbolic scarlet beast. The beast has seven heads and ten horns which through Revelation 13 and 17 identifies him as the demonic end times antichrist. So then, one can only conclude that the woman and the beast / antichrist are closely connected or are in collusion with each other. Then we learn in the next few verses that this symbolic woman is connected with the colors of purple and scarlet...... that this symbolic woman likes to play dress-up with gold, precious stones and pearls...... and in her hand she has a golden cup or chalice. In this golden chalice we find it full of abominations (or things that God would find detestable) and the cup was also full of the filth of her fornication's . Also this woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus meaning that this woman murdered Jesus's followers.

I believe I can boldly state that there is only one entity on earth that could fulfill the descriptions John revealed  in Revelation 17 and 18 concerning this woman. This woman can be none other than the RCC. And here's a list of why...

1) The primary colors of the Catholic Church hierarchy (cardinals and bishops) are purple and scarlet.

2) The ceremonies performed in the Catholic churches, the costumes of the priests and the altar instruments are ripe with all manors of gold, precious stones and adornments.

3) There are hundreds of thousands of Catholic churches around the world daily raising golden cups / chalices in the celebration of their Eucharistic Mystery. Are these cups symbolically filled with what God would consider as abominations and fornication's. Most certainly!! Don't you think that raising these golden cups like they do and re-sacrificing Jesus in the Eucharist hundreds of thousands of times a day throughout the world would be just one of the many categories of abominations that the RCC perpetrates daily?

And God says this golden cup is also full of filthy fornication's. Forget about the sexual aspect of the word fornication (although the RCC is ripe with that as well) but focus on the other definition of fornication which is...... the worship of idols.

Most people are not aware that the RCC changed God's ten commandments. (Ballzy Huh!!) They completely removed and discarded God’s second commandment which is about the erecting of statues and the worship of these statues or idols. You will not find the biblical second commandment anywhere within the Catholic system.

The RCC throughout history has been instrumental in creating untold millions of statues and idols. They parade them around the streets in huge ceremonies for the edification of this or that saint and especially the false Mary of the Catholic church which takes top billing in the false idol department. There is no other religion that has ever paid homage to idols as has the RCC. Can you say filthy fornication's.....cups and cups overflowing with them.

4) “Drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus”

Again the average person has no realization that the RCC in the Middle Ages murdered an estimated 60 million “biblical” Christians and Jews who would not compromise their beliefs and bend their knee to Rome and the popes. Not only were they murdered...... but they were literally butchered in ways and methods that only a truly Satanic mind could conjure up. Soon I believe that these slain will get their revenge. They show up in the fifth seal just before the rapture of the church and demand from Jesus the revenge they deserve.

5) The “woman” also symbolically refers to a great city that is affiliated with seven mountains. Rome is characterized as the city of seven hills.

6) John says that the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the “wine” of her fornication's. One could look at this statement from several angles. All people who embrace the RCC as their religion have accepted and believe that the priests of this religion turn regular wine into the blood of Christ during the Mass in their golden chalices as this chalice is elevated and raised high like an idol would be raised. Again... another definition of fornication is worshiping idols. Believe me (as an ex-catholic) when I say that when the priest raises the chalice at the Mass and proclaims the wine in it to be mysteriously changed into..... the blood of Christ......that is a great abomination and also the fornication of worshiping a false idol.

7) Having been a Catholic for over 40 years and an altar boy and relatives that were priests I have a keen feel and appreciation for the trappings of the RCC. That said....the laundry list of merchandise John describes in Revelation 18:12-13 really hits the mark in describing and pointing only to the RCC. John wrote these two chapters 17 and 18 describing the RCC in approximately 90AD. I defy anyone to do a better job than he did with the exacting facts and characteristics of the RCC and he did it centuries before there was a Catholic church. That is simply amazing prophetic fulfillment in my book.

I told you I would come back to the term “mother”

The “woman” who represents the Roman Catholic Church becomes a “mother” when John is referring to that church in terms of a world wide religion. So this brings up John's second name for her, that being.....

The Mother of Harlots and the Abominations of the Earth”

Does this title also fit the RCC? Most certainly

If you use the term “mother” then you assume she has offspring. So in my way of thinking the offspring of this religion would be it's leaders and also it's members. A generalization of it's leaders in this case would be it's priests........ keeping in mind that popes, cardinals and bishops were priests first.

So are the offspring (priests) of this mother (Catholic religion) harlots? Again, most certainly.

Let's look at the definition of of those definitions is a man or a woman that engages in homosexual activities. Did the alarm bells in your head just go off ? I believe the RCC is the most deviant homosexual organization ever to encompass the earth. A literal library of books could be written on the sexual abuse that has been administered onto the “flock” over all the centuries by the priests of this religion / Satanic cult......harlots indeed!!

We've talked about the leaders of this religion, the priests being harlots. How about the run of the mill members of the Catholic church..... are they harlots too? Yes, they endorse, promote and fund this religion and can't be naive to the point of not knowing what has transpired in this religion all these centuries. Although, speaking from much personal experience the brainwashing / indoctrination that is “built into” this religion / cult can be mind crippling.

But I believe that God may not give these members of the RCC a pass when the time comes. I say this because of what God has to say in Revelation 18:4....There He said;  “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins,and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities....”

A fateful warning that I greatly fear will not be heeded.

Revelation 17 and 18 are an end times direct reference / overview of the Catholic church and it's workings. These chapters give oneself great incite into the end time scenario and how that much of it surrounds the RCC. Revelation 17 tells you exactly who the antichrist will be and many of the other end time happenings. But that info is for another day........I need to wrap this up.

So Fay I hope I built a case and shed some revealing light on Mystery Babylon..... and that it is not Islam. And that Catholics do worship Jesus as God....... only it's not the same Jesus you and I worship.

Blessings Fay and the rest of the Doves.......John B