Humbly Irrelevant (4 Feb 2018)
"Response to Francesca"



I hesitate to use this forum for personal communication, but I have really missed you and I too am am looking forward to the meeting with you "in the strawberry fields under that willow tree!"  Not many will know what that means, but everyone is welcome to join in our heavenly celebration when we graduate from this world.    God bless you my friend!!


Francesca (21 Jan 2018)
"RE:  Humbly Irrelevant"

Hi don’t come by this way often (5 Doves), BUT Here I am, and I have found an old friend.

Oh, may it be true!  I have thought of you and others that have disappeared through cyber space.

How reassuring our Family stays intact, thank you, Jesus.

I am looking forward to the meeting in the strawberry fields under

That willow tree!  If your plans have changed I am sure forgiveness abounds in heaven.  Lol.

Seeing you share  again, well, it brings a smile to my face.

God bless you, Humbly.

