Fay (4 Feb 2018)
"Gino re Shortening of "Those Days""


Hi Gino and all Doves,

I LOVE the way you question everything. And so we should question! It's commanded of us to research and seek knowledge.

Okay... we are all aware that Israel was given a final 70 years in prophecy. These 70 years are rapidly coming to a close. It leaves very little time for a new Temple to be built (within the seventy year timeline). 2018 is it. There is no more time. So, we either go with Almighty God suspending time itself (as per Revelation 10:6) or, we surmise that there are literally 3.5 years left of Great Tribulation... taking the world to the year 2021. Because God's wrath is going to come slamming down after the seventy years, given to Israel, to "finish the transgression, and to make an end to sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy". Daniel 9:24. This, CLEARLY, ain't happening within the specified time frame. No way is it even beginning to happen. It's all a logical summary of what we see in scripture. I am not trying to be contrary and upset the apple cart. I do worry that the left behinder's may think that they have to go through 7 years of hell on earth, because they will read the standard wisdom of a 7 year trib. But... then I remember God and realise that it's going to be okay. The left behinder's will be able to figure it out, eventually.

Much of the typology of the doctrine of a 7 year trib comes from the account of Joseph in Genesis. I truly believe that our LORD Jesus fulfilled 3.5 years. LORD Jesus also brought an end to sacrifice and offering - being the perfect and final sacrifice, Himself. I also believe that the Holocaust, lasting 3.5 years, was a terrible judgement on the Jewish people. But what convinces me is that we are CLEARLY facing Almighty God's wrath, is by what is staring us in the face. Christians are being persecuted in the ME... the nations of Ezekiel 38 are in place. Isaiah 17 (destruction of Damascus) is right around the corner. We've had the testimonies of Natan and Caroline. Israel is in DEEP, immediate danger. President Trump's announcement re Jerusalem was a total game changer... etc., etc. The four Horsemen have ridden out (I have NO doubt about this). The next thing will be a massive earthquake, sealing of the 144,000 and the Great Multitude appearing in heaven. After that, the Bible tells us, clearly, that there are 3.5 years left of Great Tribulation. AND.... now here's the theory I put forth to you, Gino and Doves. If we discard the theory of the Almighty suspending time itself to shorten the years (as He has said He will do), then perhaps He has shortened that Great Trib time by the 3.5 years that Jesus walked. Shortened it by having the Jewish people suffering horrendous persecution for 3.5 years in the Holocaust. The 7 year trib typology is correct, but Almighty God has shortened those days by Jesus serving 3.5 of those years.

I pray this all makes sense to you. It struck a chord with me because the book of Revelation is clear about the 1,260 days, 3.5 years, 42 months etc. It repeats those day counts.. which tells me that this is exactly what the Great Trib (God's wrath) will encompass. 3.5 years. God has shortened those days, using LORD Jesus.

What say you?

