Fay (4 Feb 2018)
"All being Exposed. Devastating Report"

I know how the media tend to exaggerate but this is beyond the pale. Nobody could make this stuff up. It's the fabric of horror movies - yet is entirely true. Like most of you, I have read umpteen books on the Holocaust and then reached saturation point. I couldn't bear anymore horror. We humans are, on the whole, pretty trusting people. We trust our instincts more than we realise. Most of the time (disregarding human being hating media) we are right. THIS stuff is beyond nightmarish. The media cover anything that is likely to shock and horrify us... because it sells. However - these things did happen. As awful as it is, we have to realise just how deeply evil has been operating in our world. It doesn't affect the majority. Therefore, it's like reading a Stephen King novel. We can't really feel it because it is so outlandish. 

We are reaching a point - thanks to the internet - where these things are all coming out. Will it have an effect on our world? Will it influence the snowflakes and their stupid, stupid hurt feelings about everything? Education is paramount. Awareness can only be brought about by responsible, God fearing people. Seriously - this world is screwed. Without God, we are doomed.

By the by..... talking about evil being slightly cartoonish..... don't you agree that the "doctor" photographed here looks like a face transplant? He looks like he's had a patch job done by Dr Frankenstein. Very odd.

New French film raises ghosts of Nazi medical horrors