Fay (4 Feb 2018)
"Underground Battle for Mount Zion. Weird."

Okay, this is fascinating. F A S C I N A T I N G ! The Vatican are way more active in Jerusalem than anyone thought. And viciously so. You HAVE to read this article. The Vatican will use NGO's etc., to keep Israeli archaeologists away from scared sites. They cover it up by using the wretched Palestinian mantra. They say that archaeological digging infringes on the Palestinians rights etc. Meanwhile, they don't give a monkey's uncle about the Palestinians..... it's simply a convenient cover. Palatable to the media etc. The Vatican fought long and hard to obtain Mount Zion. Things are beginning to make sense now. The Vatican use the so-called Palestinians as a cover for their own nefarious ends. They will do anything to stop the Jewish people from taking ownership.

Talk about prophecy starting to come to light! Ishmael and the Vatican working in partnership against the Jewish people. If the Vatican is the whore of Babylon.... sitting as a queen and riding the beast - this makes sense. The beast being Islam.

My mind is still reeling.

The Underground Battle For Mount Zion