Doug L (25 Feb 2018)
"Rapture is not for the unfaithful"

The Rapture is not an escape (reward) for unfaithful Christians.
Just as Eve was a 'part' taken out of Adam's body - she was still morally responsible herself before God. If we come to Christ for salvation - we now have the right to become 'children' of God and a part of His body. God now expects us to grow up and become mature members of His body. From experience, I'm sure you have observed people who you believe are saved but do not read their Bible, walk in the Spirit or after many years have not matured in their faith. Our lives are all evaluated by God for maturity, faith and righteous works and rewarded accordingly. All believers are rewarded with at least heaven (some as if by fire -they enter). Others will have produced - some 30, 60, and 100% fruit in their lives. Being the Bride is a reward and privilege for those our Lord chooses out of His Body. Remember - all members are not the same when it come to position in the Body - some have greater honor. But - all enter heaven. Not confusing if you consider marriage itself. You would not choose a child, immature or unfaithful spouse and neither would Jesus. We are all both encouraged and warned in many scriptures but obedience is up to us. We do our best to reach our "highest" for which we are called in Christ Jesus and then leave the results to God, who loves us and is Just and Fair to give us what we deserve. The Rapture is not an escape for unfaithful Christians. That's why we are told to pray that we might be counted "worthy" to escape the things coming upon this earth. Since the beginning of The Church many have died (without The Rapture) and are in heaven as the Bride awaiting the end of the Church age when all who are Bride, friends of the bride and all others attending - come together for the wedding.