Pineman (12 Feb 2017)
"The Revelation 12 Sign and the Fast of Gedaliah"

Dear John & Fellow Watchers,

According to Daniel Matson the Revelation 12  "sign plays out in the heavens on September 23, 2017 when the sun goes down in Israel. That day is Tishri 3 and the Fast of Gedaliah." But the Fast of Gedaliah is on Tishri 4 which begins in the evening of September 23, 2017! As you can see Rosh Hashanah ends on Friday and the Sabbath ends Saturday evening. Gedaliah therefore gets pushed to Sunday.

There are some parallels between Gedaliah and Christ. Both were righteous Jews. Both led the poor people.  And both were betrayed by a fellow Jew.  Both knew that they were going to be betrayed. Both traitors belonged to a Zealot party. There could be other parallels.

The point is that Revelation 12:5 "And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne." could very well be pointing to a Spring Rapture that by September 23 will already have taken place. Ascension (Rapture) Day this year starts Wednesday May 24 at sundown!!!

Don't you have a saying, 'It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35

So, as the Fast of Gedaliah begins on Sunday and World War 3 is ending, Daniel's 70th Week will have already started.

Keep Occupying While Looking Up!
