John B (12 Feb 2017)
"Re: 5doves"

Hi Bicar..........Yes, it is refreshing to hear from someone who reads the words of God from the bible and takes them literally. There are way too many references in scripture concerning the structure and layout of the earth indicating that we live on a flat plane....... to discount them. Then, when one contemplates on the extreme distances that the Satanic scientists are trying to feed us concerning things like the sun and the moon it becomes “blatantly” obvious of their hoax and to their agenda.......that there is no creator
What amazes me is how naive people are and their inability to think rationally when presented with simple concepts like how far can a human eye see. They (Satanically) have convinced people that the human eye can look up and see an object a quarter million miles away (the moon) or focus on a red ball in the sky supposedly  93 million miles away. That’s laughable and very sad that the ruler of this planet can continue to deceive people at that level of smoke and mirrors and to have that many people involved that are complicit in these falsehoods.
The guy that sent you the ten reasons.....send him back the 200 reasons for the opposite.
Yesterday I was reading Ezekiel 1 and again came across more evidence of what is really “up there”. In that text in verse 22 Ezekiel refers to the firmament being the color of an awesome crystal.....meaning it is clear. A clear dome of (I believe) hydrogen of unknown thickness that doom-covers the earth a couple of hundred miles up that neither NASA or anyone else can penetrate.
In Genesis 1:14-19 God states that the sun and the moon reside in this firmament and that they both generate their own light.....He made two great lights. The light from the moon is generated from the moon itself and not reflected sunlight. And that the stars....whatever they are also reside in “the firmament”. Read and digest God’s solar textbook... Genesis 1:14-19. Does that agree with what we are being force-fed? No.  For me I will believe what God has written and forgo what the Ephesians 6:12 crowd is pushing.
In Romans 1 God warns these people who ....”suppress the truth in unrighteousness” that they will face His wrath. I believe these so called scientists (who have spent their careers deceiving people) will have a very hot environment in which to spend eternity.
Bicar.....You on the other hand have been blessed with Godly discernment to see through the evil format that the Ephesian 6:12 crowd has fermented concerning the structure of this world......I say world and no longer say planet......we don’t live on one.
I tend to agree with your alien invasion after the rapture. The bible references the direction “north” as being God’s throne or headquarters. So one could only assume that the opposite direction (on this flat planed earth) would be Satan’s headquarters, that being, the Antarctic region. This region has been cloaked with secrecy for many decades and recently many of the Ephesian 6:12 crowd have been traveling there for what I believe are their “end times” Satanic instructions. I believe God has prevented Satan and his UFO’s from taking an offensive posture on our world to this point but after the rapture, all bets are off so to speak. Satan, the Ephesian 6:12 crowd especially the Roman Catholic Church will be free to terrorize this planet with fallen angels and their toys (UFO’s).
Blessings...........John B
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: 5doves
Hello Mr John B,
just wanted to say 'Hi' to a fellow believer who also believes that we live on a flat plane.
you're the 2nd Christian that i know, who believes in a flat Earth.
The other guy that i know of, is Daniel Valles of
I've a pastor say to me that the flat Earth is not biblical, so don't give him this flat Earth nonsense. Funny thing is, i find it just quite the opposite. All the verses about the foundations of the Earth, Book of Job verses, etc, suggests that the Earth is indeed flat. It's just that we are so terribly ingrained with the round Earth model that we choose not to see it. 
Recently, the owner of '' gave me this in response : .
He was very courteous with his reply though. Can't say the same about most replies that i've been getting.
I guess the indoctrination & B.S. that we were fed in school runs deep & to a certain extent, successful.
Nowadays, i just keep it to myself. No point arguing really. I think the world is being set up for an alien invasion deception right after the rapture, if they think there are 'planets' & 'solar systems' & space ships out there.
The Holy Spirit is definitely teaching us new things.
Regards & God Bless