John B (12 Feb 2017)
"Extreme Volcanic Activity........Rome, Italy......and maybe the whole world"

Back in November of 2016 I posted an article to Doves concerning a biblical prophecy that I believed was beginning to present itself on the world stage. And that prophecy was from Revelation 18 where the text indicates that Rome Italy, the location of The Vatican State and the headquarters of the RCC would be destroyed in one hour of one day. That post below....
For those of you who are not aware or haven’t been paying attention, the main Italian peninsula has recently been under almost constant earthquake activity. Consequently many of the dormant volcanic areas inside Italy have been awakened. These include Rome and 100 miles away Naples. Both of these volcanic areas have awoken and are causing much anxiety as to the possibility of an “any day”major catastrophic event. The scientists are saying that the volcanic events could be on a scale not witnessed on earth for thousands of years and could destroy most of Europe and cause enough ash to be blown into the atmosphere to block out the suns rays and cause worldwide nuclear winter.
In my other post this week I suggested (using scripture as my guide) that the rapture has a high probability of occurring this year on the Feast of Pentecost which is around June 1st. (Read that post for the full details) Also in that post I surmised that the great and terrible “Day of the Lord” would occur this year on the 23rd of September which is the date of the great sign of Revelation 12 where a pregnant woman (Virgo) gives birth to Jupiter along with labor pains. This term “Day of the Lord” is mentioned many times in scripture and seems to indicate the start of the 7 year tribulation period or the start of the period known as.....the time of Jacob’s trouble........ or the beginning of the wrath of Him who sits on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb.
What do we know about this day referred to as the Day of the Lord? Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians that “that day” will come as a thief in the night. The people involved at that time for whatever reason will be declaring “Peace and Safety” but then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains upon a pregnant woman.....and they will not escape this sudden destruction. Then Paul tells us that we Christians are not in or of the darkness, so this day (the Day of the Lord) will not overtake or harm us. Why? Because we will already have been taken in the rapture.
What else can we draw from Paul’s words? A date perhaps. Paul makes reference in 1 Thessalonians to “labor pains upon a pregnant woman”. This would definitely point to 23 September 2017, the great Revelation 12 sign, where God drew our attention to the birth of Jupiter from the womb of Virgo accompanied by labor pains. This Revelation 12 reference is the last place in scripture to mention labor pains.
Also in assorted scripture verses our attention is drawn to the period of.... The Day of the Lord..... as being a period of great darkness, gloominess and heavy low hanging clouds. What might cause these conditions and what might cause those conditions on a worldwide basis? I say worldwide because Paul says...they....will not escape this destruction.
Well the obvious answer to this question would be a huge volcanic event that would immediately cause sudden destruction and then the ash taken up into the atmosphere may or would cause great worldwide darkness, gloominess and dreary low level dark hanging clouds.....leading to a possible worldwide nuclear winter effect
So what do we have teed-up in Italy as I write this? Huge re-awoken dormant volcanoes that according to the scientists  are poised to destroy Rome and the headquarters of the RCC and possibly most of Europe.....destroyed in an hour perhaps, as is stated in Revelation 18?
It appears to me that after the church is taken to a place of safety in the rapture event (June / Pentecost) that the kickoff of the 7 year tribulation period will be on September the 23rd. And when the Italian volcanoes erupt, there should be no doubt worldwide that........the wrath of Him who sits on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb has begun.
For those who are interested I will link 4 articles concerning the volcanic activity near Rome and 3 articles concerning the volcanic activity near Naples.