Gary Rich (26 Feb 2017)
"Share in Jesus's Resurrection & Sufferings"

In these last days before the return of Jesus Christ , many Christian believers will experience trials and hardships. Jesus even said that we will have to go thru some hard times if we are to be real Christian followers

there are two scripture verses which will give you bibical encouragement if you are going thru severe trials in your life :

the first one is in 2 Timothy 2:3 -  " we are to endure hardship and suffering as good soldiers of Jesus Christ "

the second one is in Philippians 3:10 - " that I may know Christ and the power of His resurrection and share in the fellowship of His sufferings "

So you may be wondering just where is the encouragement in these two bible verses. In Timothy we are to live our lives as Christian soldiers for our Lord. That means He will use your life to do amazing things for Him. And then yes expect hardship & suffering to go along with your faithful service

And the same principle applies to the verse in Philippians. Most every Christian wants to experience the awesome power of Christ's resurrection. The problem comes in when part two of the verse gets applied. We just don't like the idea of having to fellowship with Christ in His sufferings. We want the glory but not the hardships. We want the prosperity but not the adversity. We like it when the good times roll, but not when the bad times hit.  Its a package deal folks, you want one - then your going to get the other

Yes i believe that many believers in 2017 are going to experience amazing & wonderful divine resurrection power thru their service to God. And many are also going thru severe trials and hardships also. Remember that God is always in control of everything that happens in our lives. He has a divine purpose for the events that happen to us, both good and bad. We are to just keep trusting Him to fulfill His purposes for our lives and that in the end it will all work out for our eternal good . Jesus promised that He will always be with us in everything we go through. Hang onto that promise when your in the valley cause He will , in His timing, bring you up to the top of the mountain !

have a blessed day,   Gary