Gary Rich (12 Feb 2017)
"Love on  A Cross"

Even in the blackness swirling around the wooden cross that the world's Savior was nailed to, the love of God broke thru like the rays of the sun on a stormy day. That love shone down on the two thieves crucified on each side of Jesus. Their agony was obvious, they knew why they were dying
One of the thieves said to the other, " we are punished justly, but this man has done nothing wrong" . And then , in one of the most moving conversation scenes in human history, the thief turned his face toward Jesus and pleaded in humble faith. " Jesus , remember me when you come into your kingdom". No stained-glass homilies, no excuses. Just a desperate plea for help
And at this point Jesus performs the greatest miracle of the Cross. Greater than the earthquake. Greater than the tearing of the temple curtain. He performs the miracle of forgiveness. " Today you will be with me in Paradise " . In the twinkling of an eye, that thief changed his eternal destiny. He passed from death to eternal life. We know this is so because Jesus is the one who made the promise
Luke 23:43 - Jesus said, " I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise "
Salvation in Jesus Christ is just that simple. This thief most likely never went to church, never attended Sunday school. And yet today he has eternal life in heaven. All because he opened his heart and let Jesus in. The road to heaven passes thru the Cross of Jesus Christ. Roman's 10:9 says to " confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved " That's a heavenly promise you can count on
One day soon, the King of Kings - Jesus Christ is going to return just like He has promised . Trust in Jesus for your eternal salvation. Then using your earthly life to bring eternal glory to God's Kingdom , you will be storing up much eternal treasurer in heaven. And on that future special day when all Christian believers will stand before God at the Judgement Seat of Christ - you will hear the Lord say to you, " Well done thy good and faith servant, enter into the Joy of thy Lord "
have a blessed day,   Gary